台灣人可加外國籍, 但外國人不能加台灣籍。 (國籍法第九條)
Taiwanese can add foreign nationality, but foreigners cannot add Taiwan nationality.
2024: CrossroadsTaiwan Dual citizenship movement! |
Taiwan is my home: The people who never want to leave but still can't get citizenship
2020: Discussion of citizenship for Taiwan permanent residents by Michael R. Fahey, of Winkler Partners
2020: All immigration proposals must bring in the vote 移民法提案均必以拉票數為基礎
「阿啄仔」是歧視語言。 若叫會去「阿扁仔鼻仔」…
台灣土地法第十七條與國籍 Taiwan Land Act Article 17 vs. nationality
積丹尼 Dan JacobsonLast modified: 2024-09-05 01:55:47 UTC