### Makefile N=South St. Paul MN Address Grid DESC1=Using PLSS data. ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2024-02-07T03:46:04+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-02-11T01:44:17+0000 ## Update #: 124 ## U = ../../../../utilities export PERLLIB = $U export PATH := $U:$(PATH) include $U/m1.makefile T=s_st_paul_mn G=~/Downloads/plan_mngeo_trs.gpkg #F=~/Downloads/gpkg_plan_mngeo_trs.zip Q=SELECT * FROM trs WHERE TOWN = 28 AND RANG = 22 AND SECT GLOB "2[278]" AND COUN_UC = "DAKOTA" $T.vik: $T.csv:corners.csv targets.csv $U/PLSS_projection.pm perl -MPLSS_projection -we 'PLSS_projection::pid2lonlat;' corners.csv targets.csv > $@.t mv $@.t $@ targets.csv:adr.csv Makefile $U pid2addr ./pid2addr -I $< > $@.t mv $@.t $@ trs.geojsonl:$G # ogrinfo -al -so $< trs # ogrinfo -ro -al -features -dialect SQLITE -sql '$Q' $< # ogr2ogr -f LIBKML $@ -dialect SQLITE -sql '$Q' $< ogr2ogr -f GeoJSONSeq $@ -sql '$Q' $< corners.csv:trs.geojsonl $U/PLSS_corners_4.pm perl -MPLSS_corners_4 -we 'PLSS_corners_4::parse_seq_MN46;' $< > $@.t mv $@.t $@ # d.json: #But all there were were townships outlines... # bash -c 'echo MN460280N0220W0SN2{2,7,8}O'| # echo MN460280N0220W0SN0|fetch_blm_sections #> $@.t && mv $@.t $@ # perl -pwle 's/ /%7C/g'| # So looked further, # https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/plan-mndnr-public-land-survey has it but 500 MB # https://mnatlas.org/resources/public-land-survey-sections/ # https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/plan-mndnr-public-land-survey # https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/loc-pls-api-service # https://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/chouse/pls/pls_api.html # Never mind, I'll make it by hand. wait... finally found it: # https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/plan-mngeo-trs #Example file of points and labels where we want to put custom addresses: adr.csv:pid2addr; ./$< --make-samples > $@ clean:; rm *.csv *.geojsonl *.t #not kmz