#!/usr/bin/perl ## Explore the exaggeration of scale at Zhongxing Lake at NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan. ## https://www.jidanni.org/geo/islands/zhongxinghu/ ## Copyright : https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Author : 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Created On : Sat Mar 27 20:51:50 2021 ## Last Modified By: Dan Jacobson ## Last Modified On: Thu Apr 15 05:12:11 2021 ## Update Count : 150 use strict; use warnings FATAL => q(all); my %data = ( Taiwan => { world => 356674.94, NCHU => 15.53 }, China => { world => 4104631.43, NCHU => 108.04 }, Everest => { world => 8848, NCHU => 62.84 - 56.04 } ); for (qw/Taiwan China/) { $data{scale}{$_} = $data{$_}{NCHU} / $data{$_}{world}; printf "Scale of %-6s: 1/%.0f (1/%d)\n", $_, 1 / $data{scale}{$_}, 1000 * sprintf "%.0f", 1 / $data{scale}{$_} / 1000; } printf "\n...It's as if Taiwan, an island %.0f km long in our world map, suddenly became %.0f km long! (that's %.0f%%.)\n", $data{Taiwan}{world} / 1000, $data{Taiwan}{world} / 1000 * $data{scale}{Taiwan} / $data{scale}{China}, $data{scale}{Taiwan} / $data{scale}{China} * 100; printf "\nTherefore to restore the proper scale, Taiwan Pond's current (2021) length, %.1f m, needs to be reduced to %.1f m (that's %.0f%%,) to be accurate. ", $data{Taiwan}{NCHU}, $data{Taiwan}{world} * $data{scale}{China}, 100 * $data{scale}{China} / $data{scale}{Taiwan}; printf "\nThe Mount Everest model, currently %.1f m high, should instead be %.1f m high.\n", $data{Everest}{NCHU}, $data{Everest}{world} * $data{scale}{China} * -1 if 0; # Local Variables: # compile-command: "./source" # End: