監視記錄:作者竊取電箱編碼 Evidence image: "Spy": author stealing electric box
您還沒掏去GPS前我拇指已壓著地圖上現在位置(有時候)。 Faster than you can get the GPS out of the holster of your cowboy pants I have already put my finger on where I am on the map (sometimes).
電力座標 Taipower pole number 至 to Google™ 地圖 Maps.
台電圖號座標定位系統。 2019 年建。
說明 Explanation: Understanding coordinates on utility pole numbers, a Taiwanese example: 電力座標與2度TM座標的關係 Taiwan Power Company Grid and TM-2 Grid Relationship, 附上河地圖集使用說明 with Sunriver atlas tips. 另見上河: 台電電力座標系統《解讀》, 上河圖 Sunriver atlas: 第一載台電座標的地圖集 the first road atlases with Taiwan Power Company grids.
大家一些反應等等 some public reactions etc. [mostly Chinese]
More photos: More [tooth]; More [fence]; If you don't see TaiPower's grid numbers on the switching box itself, remember to check the cement base. 電力座標有時也要查其水泥基礎。 Taipei 1999. Some enlargements. 多些放大張。
紫色故區 ‧ 幸福小鎮 ~ 台中市新社區 Xinshe Taichung's 幸福七線 (斷連
broken link)另類電桿指向用途 other type of pole navigation markings.
順便提 By the way: 家電錶計算 Home electric meter calculations.
Last modified: 2021-04-06 07:13:26 +0800