2008-08: ** 本頁大部分內容已搬新址 Most of the contents of this page have been moved to a new location **
僅剩零星內容 All that is left are some scraps:
台灣三角點 TWD67 座標表 TWD67 Taiwan Triangulation Points' Coordinates
因「國家安全」而動了手腳的衛星圖 Satellite images modified for "national security".
台中逢甲大學北方一公里曾有半徑 500 公尺圈, 中心點 center point。 唯要如 2005 年前衛星圖較能見。 即日軍機場設施。 1 km. N. of Taichung's Fengchia Univ. are the traces of a 500 m. diameter circle (need pre-2005 satellite photos to see.) That was Japanese airport pavement. (非指現今東側一至二公里處四個同樣大之圈片。) (Not the four similar sized modern partial circle shaped features one sees one to two km. to the east!)
One even sees it noted in the "臺中市舊航照影像(1944)" layer of 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心臺中市百年歷史地圖。
http://www.endlessrunway-project.eu/ !
朋友曾猜可能是個 My friend guessed it might have been a high frequency direction finder, 像 like the ones in:
林口湖北村 Linkou
"Used in cooperation with the USA in coordination with others in Asia to triangulate signals from China." However the diameter of the 林口最大枝 largest Linkou one is only 1/3 km, 其核心 view of its center. 西北側較小者 Smaller one to the northwest.
另見 新竹縣湖口鄉波羅村波羅段在地籍圖有約 365 公尺半徑圈。
大雅交流道沒建在原中清路正上方,而另繞旁路,看地圖令我很好奇, 不是只增加紅路燈?
Why isn't Taichung (Taizhong)'s Daya Interchange on Zhongqing Rd. but instead on an extra side road? Looks so curious on a map. Doesn't that just increase the number of red lights?
網友 e0165 則試算水湳機場跑道的限建範圍及高度:
因交流道距跑道約900米, 所以限建高度=900∕50=18米, 以一般高速公路路堤高度約10米以下, 所以應該沒有影響(以機場跟高速公路地面同高估計)
所以我認為原中清路正上方建築物太多了, 所以交流道往北移。
Last modified: 2021-04-06 07:34:53 +0800