農民曆「斗指」無稽之談 (Chinese almanac Douzhi nonsense) [Chinese]
jupmoons: ASCII quasi-night-at-a-glance Jupiter moons plotter, is an updated version of the 1990 posting to comp.sources.misc, where there is a sample screen.
dweebstar: wimpy personal star rise/set predictor for your horizon. More rise/set programs.
答:該相片並非外星人的太空船撞地球而不過是月出, 快門一直開整個晚上,有時有雲經過。 左側為一根草而非彈回來的船碎片。
A: That photo is just a time-lapse photo from 20:10 to 4:50 that includes a moon rise that had some clouds passing in front of it. It is not a alien spacecraft crashing into the earth, with a chunk almost ricocheting onto me (at left) (that was a blade of grass).
森林影子在我台中東勢家。 Forest shadows at my Dongshi, Taichung, Taiwan home. 自屋內 From indoors; 自屋外 From outdoors; 作者 The author;
Last modified: 2021-04-10 05:48:21 +0800