Taiwan, with an area of 36000 km2, is like a crater on the Moon with diameter 214 km. (Or a square, with sides 190 km. long.) *
觀滿月時, 我都看到非洲的地圖! (請讀者小心, 因我一講, 您也一輩子再也無法想像中看到其他的!)
When I look at the Full Moon, I see a map of Africa! (Caution: once you realize this you won't be able to imagine you see anything else there for the rest of your life!)
事實上, 月球上的非洲寬度只有地球上的非洲三分之一。
Well it turns out the "Africa on the Moon" is only 1/3 the width of the real Africa.
Last modified: 2021-02-27 08:05:18 +0800