大甲溪對面有棟紅色 A 字型屋。 但如 西元2021年05月07日 (週五) 13時30分, 因太陽反射剛剛好, 變成橘色。
Across Dajia River there is a red A-frame house. At certain times of the year, e.g.,' Fri May 7 13:30 2021, due to the Sun's angle, it turns orange.
查多數 A 字型屋採 60°, 60°, 60° 等邊三角形。
Most A-frames are 60°, 60°, 60° equilateral triangles.
Of course on cloudy days never white.
NOT Finished writing yet.
4.396 km, 168.77°
(Year doesn't matter, of course.)
July 5th 13:30 (I looked at it, and it was) white, 15:22 (I glanced over again, and it was) red.
2021 05 09 13:30 white. still white at 14:11 too.
April 16 14:19 color change. (Forgot to note from what to what!)
June 11 15:30 red, not white.
Last modified: 2021-09-27 11:02:33 +0800