電話 Telephones

中華電信議題 Zhonghua (Chunghwa) Telecom issues

台灣最大電信業者。 Taiwan's largest telephone company.

仿鳥之電話鈴聲與真鳥難分 "Call of nature" phone bell meets the telephone bird

仿鳥之電話鈴聲意美, 唯萬一搬到該鳥棲息地則頗難分。 奔衝接, 結果鳥, 猜是鳥, 果已斷。

My cordless phone is wonderful except that now that I live in the countryside, there is one bird that I often hear, but haven't seen yet, whose call and repetition rate is almost an exact match for the ring of my phone. This common phone ring sound perhaps might even have been modeled after him, like the chirping doorbell common here in Taiwan.

Nice idea, but it fails when you actually live near the original sound sources. Even after several years of this, often I go running for the phone, only to find it was in fact just the bird. Or, finally realizing that it must be the phone, and not the bird, and making a mad dash to answer the call before they give up.

該鳥可能為棕面鶯 Abroscopus albogularis (Rufous-faced Warbler) might be the bird. If I slow down a tape of bird calls, it matches.

山紅頭 Rufous-capped babbler Cyanoderma ruficeps is the bird! Video.

Flexible cordless telephone antenna

How to carry a cordless phone conveniently for hours outdoors? I found using a fanny pack, with the phone's telescoping antenna replaced with an equivalently long, flexible insulated (e.g. speaker) wire, hanging limply down, worked well. One won't trip over the wire either, unless hiking up steep slopes. My antenna is 300(speed of light) / 49(Mhz) * 1/8 wavelength ~= 75 cm long.

一號之史 History of a number

改天想做某幾號的演變表。 譬如東勢鎮公所: Someday I'd like to do a table of the history of some phone numbers, e.g., Dongshi Township office:

         106 ??
        2106 ??
(045) 872106 19??
(04) 5872106 1990?
(04)25872106 2001

每軍事基地應於電話簿設立申訴專線及註服務室門牌。 不能脫離社區,無當地直接溝通管道。

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積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2024-03-16 08:55:02 UTC