我「不以微軟」 No Microsoft here. Only GNU/Linux. Links: http://www.linux.org.tw/, http://www.debian.org/.
2005年五月末, 我當斯托曼的貼身保鑣一週。 For the last week of May, 2005 I was Stallman's "bodyguard". 菜單 Meal log, LWN comments. 圖 Images: 後 back, 前 front (黃峻崢,斯托曼,積丹尼 Jouston Huang, Richard Stallman, Dan Jacobson) (保護週圍的人免於遭壓到 guarding the bodies of people nearby from getting squashed ☻)
又在 2014/5/10 through 12 I was with him again in central Taiwan.
初聯 My first contacts
(Text of me with): Dennis Ritchie (R.I.P.; I had inadvertently forgot the password to my digital underwear collection, and posted to USENET for assistance...)
In 2018 年 I had a 角色 role in 幫忙 helping out 於 at DebConf18 (Debian Conference), 台灣新竹 Hsinchu, Taiwan. 看 See.
My emacs, gnus, etc. configuration files.
at_xmessage: print messages on X windows at a certain time.
sitemap-jidanni-ch makes a 圖 map of my website.
: put your radio near your terminal
and set it between stations, AM perhaps better than FM, and
check out the effects of each different ASCII printing
character on what you hear, running this: perl -we 'for
$a ( ord " " .. ord "~" ) { $_ = ( chr($a) x 80 . "\n" ) x 24;
system "clear"; print; sleep 1; }'
I find dashes buzz
little, and angle brackets buzz lots. Hmmm. Then I found
Find programs not used in a whole month:find
${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -atime +30 -type f -perm +111 |
Decompose Unicode variants 老老參參歷歷→老老參參歷歷: perl -C
-nwe 'use Unicode::Normalize q(decompose); print
whereupon piping to e.g., iconv -f
utf8 -t big5
is much smoother.
I managed to put a Chinese character into a 我將個漢字存入
favicon.ico file using: echo 丹 [Chinese
character]|bg5ps -s 15| pstopnm -stdout -pbm -|pnmcut -bottom
333|pnmcrop|pnmpad -white -l1 -r1 -t1 -b1|ppmtowinicon -output
back when I used big5.
HTML striptag, htmldebloater
其他 Etc.
Video of me: Introducing the ed editor, 2009.10.08; Debian 是什麼? 2009.12.27.
Last modified: 2024-05-20 12:07:20 UTC