### Makefile for the single axis project ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2024-07-13T09:28:46+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-08-14T01:06:03+0000 ## Update #: 107 F = 2500 b:single_axis.html; $${BROWSER?} $< sxy:single2xy ./$< --axis ⮤ --fold $F --x 1400 --y 3600 ./$< --axis w2n --fold $F --x 1400 --y 3600 ./$< --axis ⮤ --fold $F --n 1100 --n 6100 ./$< --axis ⮤ --fold $F --n 6100 --n 1100 m:single2xy ./$< --axis e2n --fold 2500 --n 1042 --n 6100 %.kml:%.csv; ogr2ogr $@ $< -sql 'SELECT Name FROM "$(basename $<)"' -f LIBKML #older: oo.csv:xy.csv; perl -pwle 'BEGIN{@N=qw/-25 25 -10 36/};s/\d+$$/shift @N/e' $< > $@ ss.csv:oo.csv; perl -pwle 's/$B/0/; s/-//;' $< > $@ B=-2 xy.csv: echo WKT,Name@\ '"LINESTRING (0 15, 0 $B)",0'@\ '"LINESTRING ($B 0, 20 0)",0'@\ '"LINESTRING (15 $B, 15 15)",15'@\ '"LINESTRING ($B 11, 20 11)",11'@\ | tr @ \\n > $@ clean:; rm *.kml *.csv #After I made the KMLs I used Viking to look at them, and then took screenshots to make the JPGs.