我們很好奇, 台灣台中市北屯區軍各路怎麼分布的?
We're rather curious, what is the distribution of the Junfu roads in Beitun District, Taichung, Taiwan?
圖一: 軍福七至十九路(2025 年)。
Figure 1: Junfu 7th through 19th Roads as they
looked in 2025.
The only one that turns and crosses the others is Junfu 17th Road.
軍福路本身, 於其上空興建 74 號快速道路後換名環中東路二段。
As for Junfu Road itself, it was renamed Huanzhong East Road Section 2 after Highway 74 was built above it.
無軍福十四路 (不吉祥?)
Note there is no Junfu 14th Rd. (unlucky?)
重建之 Estimating where it would have been.
另不知軍福一路至六路下落, 規劃改變?
And who knows the fate of Junfu Roads 1 through 6? Change of plans?
如果這是美洲, 很有可能各南北街, 其譬如過十五路時, 就達其 1500 號門牌, 過十六就 1600 等等。 可惜不是。
If this were the Americas, there would be a large possibility that when north south streets cross e.g., Junfu 15th road they would enter their 1500 block. Cross 16th, their 1600 block, etc. Alas, not here in Taichung.
Here is the source code we wrote to get the data from OpenStreetMap and make our map.
Last modified: 2025-02-02 06:33:12 UTC