中興湖/台灣池比例問題 Zhongxing Lake / Taiwan Pond Scale Problem

地理位置 Location

台中國立中興大學圖書館前的中興湖, 一百多公尺寬, 是個縮小中國地圖。 北也是北。 東側有台灣池。

In front of Taichung's National Chung Hsing University Library is Zhongxing Lake (Chung Hsing Lake,) 100+ meters wide. The lake is a scale model of China. North is north too. On its east side is Taiwan Pond.

問題 Problem


Taiwan Pond is enlarged!

[地球 - 內政部 NLSC 圖] [都市計畫圖 City planning map]

(大家注意海南池與海南島完全符合, 但台灣池比台灣島特別放大。)

(See how (on the bottom end of our left orange line) Hainan Pond matches Hainan Island exactly. But Taiwan Pond is blown up compared to Taiwan Island.)

正如台灣, 原來 (咱滑鼠快速拉出來所得) 於世界圖 357 公里長, 突然變 589 公里長! (165%)

It's just as if Taiwan, an island 357 km long on our (quick computer mouse) world map measurement, suddenly grew to 589 km long! (165%.)

恢復真比例 Restoring proper scale

無論公、私立, 大學均求真。 所以台灣池從今 (2021年) 15.5 公尺長, 應該縮成 9.4 公尺長, (60%.)

No matter if they are public or private, universities seek truth. Therefore to restore the proper scale, Taiwan Pond's current (2021) length, 15.5 m, needs to be reduced to 9.4 m (60%,) to be accurate.

台灣池又偏北 Taiwan Pond is also too far north

又見到台灣池偏北。 故要從其北側填起: 恆春固定不動, 其他的點縮小過來。

We also notice Taiwan Pond is too far north. So start adding soil on its north side. (Pin down [not "Ping Dong" - its county - ha ha] Hengchun and have all other points move closer to it.)

其他有趣 Other interesting facts

以上是純屬自然地理學。 其他超越本文範圍的, 甚至模糊了焦點, 故不樂意討論的, 有如:

Above we are talking purely physical geography related problems. Other problems beyond the scope of this article, which would in fact blur the issue, so we do not wish to discuss, are, for example:

邊界 Borders

當然可以辯論中華民國邊界歷史, 如與蒙古 印度、 等等。

Sure, one could debate the history of the Republic of China borders with e.g., Mongolia, India, Etc.

聖母/珠穆朗瑪峰 Mount Everest

湖的西南旁有座丘陵。 從都市計畫圖得其高 6.8 公尺。 咦… 中國的西南方不是有座聖母/珠穆朗瑪峰嗎?

但按照湖的 1/38000 比例, 應該只有 0.2 公尺高… 其實: 深, 因我們採水面代表陸地…

On the southwest side of the lake is a hill. From the city planning map we get its height: 6.8 meters. Hmmm, southwest edge of China... what if it represents Mt. Everest?

But using the Lake's 1/38000 scale, then it should only be 0.2 meters high... I mean deep, as we use water to represent land...

原始碼 Source code.

備用谷歌圖 Extra Google map

By 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson 著。

Last modified: 2021-05-01 22:25:41 +0800