我有特異功能:看電線桿就知道位置。您也可以學… 無涉電子,兩秒鐘定位! 註:僅看電桿牌上的頭行得(如上河的)圖上 500 x 800 m 範圍, 夠我旅遊。 出門前圖先套上電力座標, 現場即刻用才是好用, 現場不適合換算。
Dan> 我知道三度用 350000 六度 UTM 用 500000 好像是國際習慣,確定要避免負的, 也好像要給他寬些...越往赤道越寬... 我曾想過新的 (TWD97) 用 750000 較以區別,但他們早已定案。
Dan> 對呀。可確定您是我三年講這個東西我所知道第一位去學...很敬佩 對呀, 東海沒錯,拿圖核對。
Dan> 很高興,但我打字慢故少,可電話問我
Dan> 一為平面用的,一為球面用的... x=250000m 設於東經 121 度,y=0m 設於赤道
Dan> 像我,活的好好在TM,但有人要經緯度,此間接途經才是對的,也不會漏資訊
Dan> 說不定那些好東西已上線了,但因我還在玩上河公司那本紙的,恐怕別人較知道。 (上河兩位姓連的以前在戶外公司,戶外的 1:100,000 冊方格網是 TWD67,但至 今其老闆不標座標值,太可惜。)
10/2001 Dan says: ...You mentioned Outdoor Life (戶外生活)publishers. That was the home of the Lian (連) & Lian team until they jumped ship to form Sunriver 上河 and do their own maps. The Lian team are the only one of the many map publishers to listen to me and put TaiPower's grids on the map, along with the kilometer TM grid. Outdoor life has the grids in the right place [only on their 1:100,100 atlas] but didn't think of adding the grid values.
"W" == Walter Chen writes, Nov 2001:
W> 積丹尼先生,您好: 很高興在前天的「中華地理資訊學會 2001 年學術研討會」上與您見面,我和 我的學生對您所發現的利用台電電桿決定座標的方法深感興趣,也打算使用 PDA 和 GPS,對照電桿座標來進行一些邊坡現地調查的研究和工作,希望能有 所收穫。
W> 台北科技大學土木系助理教授 陳偉堯敬上 waltchen at ntut.edu.tw
我那張 6738 AB67 我最喜歡的照片 my favorite photo 後方開關箱上的座標屬於何大區[A,B,C...]? 請先憑偵探員的精神猜測,最後看答案:
相片中 6738 AB67 箱屬 B 大區 (B6738 AB67)。電力公司人員簡寫座標是很平常的事,但毫不影響我們真正電力座標之友們!
Cliff 先生說:
非常地沒錯。如果是我尋找的話,我會看 20 多大區中,哪些區在 6738 位置有都市...
另外我關心的是:發現電桿不少新牌子好像沒幾年很快就從藍曬白了,如東勢鎮沿 著省道台 3 、8 線...
仰頭看電桿 -- 只要您對電桿有信仰您也是電力座標之友。(就是說我只是取個好 玩的名字,沒設什麼會員制等等) Do you believe in the electric pole grid number plate? If so, you too are a TaiPower Pole Pal! 換拜電桿中段掛的小藍色的牌子,可減少拜高段掛的白色的牌子的頸痛 :-) 我愛電桿,電桿愛我
電桿準不準? 很準但我發現有少數偏遠地方偶而出問題如台中市東勢 G8150, G8250 配電圖有誤。 當然偶而也 有如 M1234 掛成 M1235, M1243 等,差 0.5, 4.5 公里... Are electric poles accurate? Yes, very. However I discovered that in some isolated rural areas there was an error that grew pole by pole until it was 200 meters large... upon resurvey it was still 100 m. The distances between the poles might be measured very accurately but the angles made in the turns sometimes are wildly estimated. Taking a simple GPS along would solve the problem for these isolated mountain cases where they can't see the items clearly on a orthophotomap. Also of course there are mistakes like M1234 being posted as M1235, M1243, etc. resulting in errors by 500 and 4500 meters...
箱子都良好, 桿子才因地方而異。 The boxes are all fine, the poles are the ones with regional quality variations. Hopefully one day all poles will carry coordinates. 希望有一天所有桿子掛座標。
停車時,記下附近電力座標以助於返來尋位。 Note a nearby pole coordinate as an aid to later finding where you parked your vehicle.
谷關溫泉區路口正位於G、H大區解線上, 有台8線桿牌可見, 亦為東經一二一度線。 The road corner to the main Guguan resort area is right at the G and H boundary, as can be seen from the signs on Highway 8. This also is the 121 E. logitude line.
找四區接合點 Find four courners points, like ABCD, and take a photo, like confluences; Find 1111 AA11, 2222 BB22...
A: 台電業務處 資訊課 主管計劃 黃瑞真 (02)23666687 Chief of Planning Section ... TaiPower, Huang Ruizhen.
A: 可至台電輸變電工程處 台北市中正區牯嶺街 73 號 Ask at TaiPower Transmission Engineering... 73 Guling St., Taipei, (02)23229816.
A: 一毛沒賺, 而我所作均屬「GNU 通用許可證」。 我十分鼓勵別人做電力座標產品。 I don't get any money. My materials are all covered by the GNU General Public License. I encourage others to also make power grid products. The more the merrier.
永遠重要。 即使是谷歌地圖™重度使用者, 緊急時仍可能不太會與警察 「分享我現在位置」。 朗讀電桿給電話中對方聽則沒問題。
Yes, will always be relevant. Even for folks that use Google Maps™ app all day long, they still might not be very good at "sharing my location" with the police in a panic. Reading pole numbers over the phone of course is no problem.
Hmmm, the Taipower grids reminds me of my brush with Maidenhead grids. Also, just like GPS was originally for military purposes, so also the Taipower Grids found civilian uses...
Last modified: 2020-10-11 20:40:37 +0800