檔案含點名、座標、海拔等。The files consists of names, coordinates, elevations, etc.
Version 2: 台灣 Taiwan (54 KB), nearly 近 2600 點 points. 澎湖、金馬 暫缺 Penghu, Jinmen, Mazu currently unavailable.
2005.11: 謝謝郭家隆提供 Thanks to Guo Jialong for providing some corrections from 內政部地政司衛星測量中心 MOI Satellite Center 中幾更正點。
Version 1: 台灣 Taiwan, 澎湖 Penghu (82 KB), about 約 2000 點 points. 點數少但有幾處反而比上述新版詳。 Fewer points, but in a few spots better than version 2.
This 此 Version 1 點分佈圖 point distribution map 顯出個洞 reveals a hole. Version 2's 版的也差不多, 但外島也沒了 is about the same but the islands are gone.
A: 先反壓縮 .zip 檔。 First unzip the .zip files.
.csv (comma separated values) files 檔可以用純文字編輯器或用試算表程式開啟, 用編輯器來看的話, 每行都是用半形逗點分欄位。
它是文字檔,記事本就可以開了,但用 excel 比較容易閱讀。 use excel, gnumeric, or a plain text editor to open.
我以標高為資料順序。 I ordered the data by elevation.
座標為 TWD67 虎子山二度分帶,橫麥卡脫(TM)The coordinates are TWD67 Huzishan ("Hutzushan") 2-degree wide Transverse Mercator projection
「圖名(幅)」 map quadrangle name:
Version 2 版: Corresponds to current 按照 1:50000 經建版地形圖 maps, 15 x 15 minute quadrangles.
Version 1 版: Seems slightly different than the above sheet names and edges 分法好像與上述略不同, 大概是之前某個系統。 其實我攪不清楚是否全部圖幅廓或什麼… 。 澎湖檔的圖幅均謂「澎湖」! Penghu's all say "Penghu"!
頁碼 Page: 指從未公開的 內政部、聯勤總部測量署 『中華民國台灣地區三角點成果表』, 1980年2月裝訂完畢。 of a Chinese book by the Interior Ministry and the Army, approximately titled "ROC Taiwan Area Triangulation Point Compendium", finished Feb. 1980, restricted from the public.
若順著頁碼, 我們會順著 1:50000 圖號, 到達每圖, 而一圖內, 由南往北。 If we order the list by page number, we will visit each 1:50000 map in order of their map number, and within each map, we proceed from south to north.
English headers:
我本來想把版本統一, 但有太多小不同點。 One would think about unifying the versions, but there are too many small inconsistencies...
A: 我只有這些檔。 該點應落於同一兩個「圖名╱幅」內。 將表按圖名順序排列, 若有也許好找。 All I have are what you see. Those points should fall into on or two quadrangles. Sort the list by quadrangles and they might be easier to find, if there are any.
921 地震『臺中縣東勢鎮「東勢」 點位向西北偏西位移八點五公尺』為例, 就知道本表的正確度受重創 (故更談不上什麼機密價值)。 The data is from before the 1999.9.21 earthquake, so they might be skewed up to 8.5 meters now, and even less worth as a "military secret".
以前是「三點不露」, 現在是「三(角)點全露」!
Last modified: 2021-04-06 07:38:02 +0800