避免民宿擾民, 已在法國形成行業自覺。 很多民宿將禁止噪音擾民的法規列為內部規定, 一些民宿在裝修時也會採用隔音效果好的材料。
也有些民宿, 廣告說它那兒有純安靜森林, 卻提供客人卡拉OK 設備, 又未作隔音。 想想 KTV 營業場所若未作隔音…
And there are some inns, their advertisements go on and on about them being "a quiet place in the woods," but then they supply full kareoke equipment for guests to scream their guts out with, all without having any soundproofing. Imagine a KTV in the city without soundproofing...
Last modified: 2020-12-15 18:16:15 +0800