為了減緩全球暖化,減能減碳,抵抗畜牧業對氣候的影響, 本人開闢「代客吃素」®™ 服務!
To combat global warming and wash away the carbon emission footprints of animal husbandry, I hereby announce "Vegetarian for hire"®™ service!
多吃素,少養豬… If more people became vegetarians we might be able to buy some more time for our planet.
假如您的良心不安, 但目前仍不方便整個人變成素食主義者, 那末, 正如「個人碳交易」, 沒問題, 讓我「代客吃素」, 細節如下:
Well just like personal carbon trading, you want to help out, but say you can't stomach the idea of becoming a vegetarian yourself just quite yet. No problem. That's where my "vegetarian for hire" service can help ease your troubled conscience. Here's how it works:
不放心直接寄現金或糧食票? 那麼,素食品就直接寄我家吧。 我吃東西的經驗豐富, 也自1977年起吃素。 Don't trust sending me cash or food stamps? I don't blame you, nor would my mom. Just send vegetarian food to me. I'll eat it up for you. I have plenty of eating experience, and have been a vegetarian since 1977.
直接請我出席飯局等, 保證吃得一乾二淨。 Just directly invite me banquets etc. I'll take care of the rest.
是的,但沒保障。 Well yes, but keeping my mouth stuffed ensures I won't switch back. You never know.
是,日期撕下即可。 味道若真差我會拿去餵我豬子。 Yes, just remove the freshness date, nobody will know the difference. If it tastes really bad I'll just feed it to my pigs.
[Response muffled as I wolf down another soy crème d'eauclaire.]
抱歉,連「代客刷牙」有人投標 (太忙自己涮但希望地球多人涮?牙刷寄我…) Sorry, even our "toothbrush for hire" sub-service has offers, however our "toothpick for hire" sub-service is still open, or consider writing proposals: "too busy to floss your own teeth, well send us the floss and we'll floss ours, if it makes you feel any better."
我先必確定不又是調查局。 How do I know you aren't the FBI again. And I like my tortillas parboiled. Are they parboiled?
我會去圖書館, 圖書館很安全。 No problem, I'll go to the library. It's always safe there.
Last modified: 2024-01-14 04:53:53 UTC