到台灣東部, 該北上, 還是南下? To get to eastern Taiwan, should one go north or south?


「人在台中(新竹、…), 要到台東(花蓮、…), 該北上, 還是南下?」

"I'm in Taichung, (Hsinchu, ...). I want to go to Taitung, (Hualien, ...). Should I go north, or south?"


"I'm also not willing to go via the various cross-island highways."

西台灣 東台灣
台北 台東縣太麻里
桃園 台東縣太麻里、大武交界
新竹 台東縣鹿野
苗栗 台東縣關山
台中 花蓮縣玉里
嘉義 花蓮縣清水段崖
台南 宜蘭縣南澳
高雄 宜蘭縣蘇澳

可見, 不是很科學…

As we can see, it is not very scientifically based...

計算方法 Calculation method

我只是在各家 maps.*.com, *map.org 地圖網站之路線規劃功能從 A 到 B 滑鼠拉一拉, 看哪裡北上 (順時鐘) 突然變南下 (反時鐘)。

All I did was pull the mouse around on various maps.*.com, *map.org sites, using thier "directions from here," "directions to here" functions, seeing where the route suddenly flipped from northbound (clockwise) to southbound (counterclockwise.)

是的, 我沒選由腳踏車、 由鐵路, 因會丟掉 xue shan shui dao @@@ 捷徑。 由步行則丟掉 qingshui duanyai.@@@

Yes, we didn't pick travel methods bicycle or train, because they don't include the @@@@ xueshan xue dao shortcut. And choosing walking canceled @@@ qingshui duanyai.

再則 Notes

其實這些網站是比較交通時間, 而非距離。 另公路、 鐵路, 兩選項都試。

Actually those websites mostly are comparing travel times, not distance. Also I examined with both highway and railway selections.

當然本表逆著亦能用: 自花蓮出發, 想到西部…

Of course the table also works the other way: starting at Hualien, should I go north or south to get to ...? @@@


也可以說, 因中央山脈對交通障礙, 各對如對蹠點(相對極), 由公、 鐵路台灣最遠點。

Indeed, one could say that due to the mountains in the middle of the island creating a barrier to traffic, each pair is a sort of antipode. The farthest point in Taiwan from each other, via road, rail.

最高點 Highest point

卡車環島, 若怕高, 恐最低仍必過台 9 線上的海拔 283 公尺高的草埔森永隧道西口。

環島中最高點在哪兒? 就在 台 9 線 @ 屏東縣 台東縣 交界處。

So where is the highest point on all these round the island routes? Well it turns out to be at @@@@ on Highway 9 at the western entrance to Caopu Senyong Tunnel, Pingtung County.

pages, one finds, starting at Taichung, a north/south flip occurs near Yuli, as being the equidistant point of which direction to travel around the island (not cutting across on various cross-island highways.)

從台灣的東部到台灣的西部 如果沒有從橫貫公路那一條橫切 我們來計算是不是應 該沒上或者南下哪一個距離比較間當然要開我們的出發點是西部哪一個城市的且當 然我們回程東部落細部也是一樣的 譬如松新竹出發要到 Let's compute if it shorter to go around the north side of Taiwan, or the South side of Taiwan to research and cities in the east side of Taiwan from certain cities in the westside of Taiwan. It's the place where the route flips over when you're moving around on the Google except for maps of the big-time websites. Read 1 12:53 PM It's also the farthest place from where we are pretty month. Of course we're talking about the shortest time wise not exactly distance wise, because that's what these websites offer us.

台中到東部, 若不走各橫貫公路, 而南下、 北上, 兩者距離一樣之點在 哪裡? :玉里。

Yes, the table should have romanization (pinyin).

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積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2021-05-13 14:37:17 +0800