輔導立猴網 Electric monkey fence assistance

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猴子由竹條翻電網入出果園法 How monkeys use bamboos to swing in and back out over orchards' electric fences

(2021 年) 我鄰居告訴我猴子怎麼利用旁邊的竹林跨越電網, 安全入出果園: 就是竹條彎下來進果園後, 有一隻猴子負責一直拉著。 等所有其他猴子吃飽而由該竹條爬回森林後, 該末猴也用該枝彈回去。

(In 2021) my neighbor told me the trick monkeys use to raid an orchard despite an electric fence, using neighboring bamboos: After they use one of the bamboos, curving it over the fence an climbing over, one monkey is responsible for holding on to the bamboo so it won't snap back. After the others eat their fill and climb back via that bamboo to the forest, that last monkey uses that bamboo to spring back too.

「若先用彈弓打該末猴致放手, 全群就無法回去。」

"If you first hit that one with a slingshot, it will release the bamboo, causing the whole group to have no way to get back out of the orchard."



Last modified: 2021-09-27 21:04:12 +0800