積丹尼 Dan Jacobson 2018/10 著
摘要: 在台灣常常出現一整排住宅或店面, 門牌都掛每兩棟正中央。 門牌到底是屬左棟還是右棟? 政府或許能於門牌下方再貼箭頭以區別之。
Abstract: Often in Taiwan there is a row of houses or shops, with address plates are placed exactly halfway between each building. One cannot tell if an address refers to the left or right building. Perhaps the authorities could affix an additional arrow below such ambiguous plates.
考考各位: 如果門牌號碼掛在兩棟建物之間正中央, 應該屬於左棟還是右棟?
Quiz: If an address plate is exactly halfway between two buildings, does it refer to the right building or left building?
For example, this row of shops,
++-----++-----++-----++-----++-----++ || || || || || || || v 25 w 27 x 29 y 31 z 33 || || || || || || ++-----++-----++-----++-----++-----++
那麼 "x" 家商店是 27 號還是 29 號? 可以:
So is shop "x" #27 or #29? We can:
等營業時間, 問老闆或鄰居。
Wait until business hours and ask the owner or neighbors.
或走到第一或最後一棟, 確定整排每一棟是掛左、右哪邊。
Or walk all the way to the very beginning or very end of the row, and see what side the first or last residence has their address on: this must be the same side for the entire row.
或翻開法令。 舉例:
Or dig up the regulations. Example:
- 臺中市道路命名及門牌編釘自治條例:
(Taichung rules: Addresses shall be placed on the upper right of main entrance...)
啊哈! 原來是 29 號。
Ah ha! It was #29 all along.
而如實例:台中市西屯區朝馬路(2009 年)並不違背上開法令。 只是每甲的右上方正好又是每乙的左上方!
And real life example: Chaoma Rd., Xitun District, Taichung City (2009) doesn't violate the above regulation. But the "upper right" of each house just happens to also be the "upper left" of its neighbor!
即使要求置牌時應靠其所指之該邊, 但新版牌較寬, 常無左右靠的餘地。
Yes one could request the plates be placed closer to the side they refer to, but newer issue wider plates often don't have such extra room left over anyway.
也許可修法, 民眾難以辨別左右之門牌, 戶政單位可另貼箭頭「←」於門牌下方。
Perhaps regulations could be amended, enabling household bureaus to affix arrows 「←」 below ambiguously placed address plates.
(箭頭應分開貼, 不貼在門牌上面, 萬一爾後須調準門牌位置。)
(The arrow should be separately affixed to the wall, and not printed on the address plate, as the plate might later need to be moved.)
本局將納入未來門牌釘掛業務參考。 2018.10.19
依「桃園市道路命名及門牌編釘作業要點」二十八點規定: 「編釘之門牌依下列規定釘掛, 住戶不得任意改釘、拆卸或掩蓋: (一)面對正門右上方, 距地面一八〇公分處或明顯易見之適當位置。……」。 本市換發新式門牌作業係依此規定張貼於面對正門右上方處或明顯易見之適當位置… 2018.10.12
依本市道路命名及門牌編釘自治條例第20條第1項規定: 「門牌應張貼在面向建築物正門右上方或其他明顯易見之適當位置, 高度應與左右鄰居門牌相齊。」。 本於用路人辨址習慣, 門牌一貫張貼於建築物右上方, 如再特意加註箭頭指向, 恐使民眾認有多此一舉與增加財政支出之虞。 2018.10.12
很好但民眾 (甚至救難人員) 沒人知道左右原來有規定。 且即使知道, 緊急時可能又不幸忘了規定左, 還是右。 且無保證掛牌人的見解與後來見牌人的見解相同…
Fine except I think none of the public (or even rescue crews) would have imagined that there was indeed a rule at play here. And even if they know there is a rule, in a panic they are likely not to remember if the rule said left, or right. Also there is no guarantee the person hanging the plates and the person later looking at the plates had the same rules, if any, in mind...
台灣門牌號碼規劃 Taiwan address planning
Last modified: 2018-10-20 15:27:01 +0800