門牌規劃, 全當然球重要。
Address planning is important worldwide.
單雙分邊知道了。 兩邊號碼亦不容越走越脫節。 還有「平行的路﹐ 門牌同步」。 還有路名、門牌號碼之間之關聯…
We all know about odd and even. And not only should the addresses on both sides keep in step with each other, also parallel roads should have coordinated addresses. And road names should have a relation to addresses.
所以, 在我方格案集, 我探索形容些現有方格, 也順便提出幾新方案。
So, in my grids project I find various ways to describe existing grids, and also propose new grids.
可惜, 有的地方門牌沒先規劃﹐ 當兵一生一次﹐ 但整編呢? 多次。
Alas, some places ended up with poor address planning. Well, at least in newly built areas there is some chance to do it better...
簡報 Presentations
方案 Projects
照片 Pictures
See also Wikipedia: House_numbering.
(2020年: 地圖查門牌建議採國土測繪圖資服務雲, 而非谷歌地圖。)
念頭 Thought: 北美可以學一點兒華人的路╱巷╱弄門牌系統, 華人可以學一點兒北美的方格座標門牌系統。 North America could study a bit of the Chinese road/lane/alley addressing system. Chinese could study a little of the North American grid coordinate addressing systems.
路╱巷╱弄門牌系統其實很棒, 特別在山區, 只要維持一定的號碼╱距離比例。 The road/lane/alley system is indeed quite good, especially in mountain areas, as long as one keeps the distance/number ratio stable.
(提及 order, 另見 排序。 Speaking about order, see also sorting.)
目的 Goal: 期待台灣門牌號碼逐漸加強規範。 就是某路決定將整編、新編門牌時, 加以充分規劃。 I'm hoping Taiwan addressing will gradually get better planned. That is, when it is decided that a road will be renumbered, or initially numbered, thorough planning is applied. 惟門牌尚未夠亂之路, 擾民整編得不償失。 However, on roads where the numbers aren't too jumbled, then it's not worth the trouble to residents to renumber.
「我家住422號, 為什麼對面房子不是421號或相近? 為什麼外國做得到?」
"I live at number 422. Why isn't the house across the street number 421 or close? How is it that other countries can do it?"
(圖 Image: 紅色為 S. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
中有條無紊的門牌座標。 美、加做得到. House numbering system in
美國、加拿大(除兩者老東部)門牌號碼做得有條無紊。 能不能應用到台灣? 只是我無心連跟拔起人家現有的門牌。 等有新市鎮規劃, 或趁一次的沒完沒了的門牌「整編」, 看能不能重編得可用長久。
They do a pretty god job of house number planning in the U.S. and Canada. I'd like to apply their experience to new city planning projects in Taiwan. I don't have the heart to mess with the numbers of houses with people already living inside them though. We might wait for a "new town" project, or one of Taiwan's endless local house renumberings, to see if we can do something more permanent.
Why has house number planning never been taught in city planning courses?
在台灣有很多人, 跟隨在各戶政事務所的後頭, 撿其所發之品質不一之門牌號碼, 進行地理資訊系統數值地址檢核機制等等研究, 從未想到如果前邊改發好門牌, 後面根本不必弄得那麼複雜為了分析它。
In Taiwan there are many people, trailing along behind Household Offices, picking up the poor quality house numbers they establish, then using these numbers in fancy geographic information systems (GIS) digital address validation etc. research, never thinking for a moment that if those in front creating the addresses did a better job, one wouldn't need to rely on such complicated systems to make sense of the mess in the first place.
我譴責台灣的地政、戶政及都市計劃單位(均屬內政部) 他們不事前規劃門牌號碼, 而於房屋興建後才依照新增房屋數量去決定門牌號碼,怪不得, 要個龐大的地理資訊系統才知道某一門牌房子座落何處, 法令 (如各地的「道路命名暨門牌編釘辦法」) 僅規定要預留門牌號碼以供將來建築之房子使用, Even though reserving numbers for later construction is in most local Taiwan law,
沒有進一步要求道路左右兩邊房屋門牌號碼以等量增加, 維持協調, 而不各自為政, 自我獨立發展 they don't go further to require the right and left sides of a street to grow at an even pace and not lose track of each other;
也沒有建議平行的路的門牌應該同步增加, no recommendation that parallel streets' house numbers' advance in parallel;
平行分段者, 彼此段數、 段界, 自我發展, 獨立定, 各行其是 for parallel roads that are divided into sections, these sections number and division points develop on their own and are fixed independently.
在台灣經常出現門牌重編的情形, 況且門牌屬於不動產的附屬物, 將之歸為戶政單位主管並不恰當, 我建議應由都市計劃單位主管。
我並建議由重劃地區開始做起, 於重劃計劃書出來前先套上門牌座標, 在美國, 這是理所當然的事, 美國人不須要如台灣人般, 以門牌號碼向路人問路時還得加註是位於那條街口, 在美國及加拿大, 除了早期發展地區外, 其他地區均已施行門牌規劃有百年之久。
在台灣門牌查詢系統連個影子都沒時, 美國的小朋友如果不是已經能說出目的地位於那條街口, 頂多就是看著圖廓就能知到某門牌房子位在何處, 就能知「道」。
利用座標訂門牌也有防災功能, 救護車司機不須向人問路或操作電腦系統仍能到達目的地。 找某地址時, 應該哪裡下公車也能猜得比較準。
In Taiwan house numbers often are like clothes, as the city grows they end up being reassigned several times as they are grown out of. Oddly Household bureaus are responsible, when it is clearly a city planning / land department question.
I recommend we take the opportunity next time there are new planned communities, to do it right, before road building begins.
後來尋地址社會成本遠不如先稍用腦規劃好。 The net savings of all the trouble of all the people later searching for addresses is worth the little trouble spent planning addresses.
In the gridded USA cities, even little kids can tell you how to get to an address. Businesses need not waste advertising space with maps of how to get to the store.
With good addressing, ambulances won't need to ask their way, or depend on fancy GIS or GPS. When looking for an address, even better guesses about when to get off the bus can be made.
最基本目標 Minimal goals:
永久性,能與納稅人承諾此次改門牌是最後一次,不管未來房子蓋了多少。 A permanent system that doesn't need to be revised if more houses are added.
救護等車連在最惡劣狀況下能找得到位置, 不帶電腦或地圖光憑地址仍能找到, 民眾亦看得懂。 Emergency vehicles can use the address even without a computer or maps. The average person can understand the system too. 本人常聽救護車、 警察的無線電通訊, 不少時間費在尋找路與門牌位置。 I often listen to ambulances and the police department on my scanner radio. Plenty of time is wasted figuring out where addresses are.
台灣市地重劃區共五百多區, 面積一萬多公頃。計畫內什麼都考慮到, 可惜門牌號碼只丟給戶政事務所一棟一棟處理善後。 沿著一條路走越遠, 往往路左右兩邊門牌號碼越不協調。 有時一邊突然跳高很多, 發現它們跑到一個弄裡, 出來時已經漲了很多, 對面反而如烏龜只在「附好」打轉。
一些不良的現象: Some bad phenomena:
我記得一次我目的地在台灣的某路372號, 眼看已達370 號故趕急下公車, 結果遇到的是370之1、 370之2… 總共走了好像兩公里才達372號。 我那麼笨太早下車。
I recall an address I was trying to reach was on a certain Taiwan road, house number 372. I noticed the bus has already reached number 370, so I quickly got off the bus, only to find 370-1, 370-2... It seemed I had to walk an entire two kilometers before I reached 372. How dumb of me to get off the bus so early.
我坐公車, 路太寬看不到對面, 只好憑這面的門牌預估應該在哪裡下車。 下車過馬路後果然差很遠。 彼121號, 此454號或更慘。
I'm riding a bus but the road is too wide. I can't see the house numbers on the other side of the road. The best I can do is rely on the numbers on this side of the road to determine where to get off the bus. I get off, cross the street, and darn, the numbers are way off. 121 vs. 454 or worse.
論「段」: 我看, 台灣的路之所以必須分「段」之原因之一, 是為了彌補此「路越走, 左右門牌越不協調」的現象, 到了新段有「重新做人」的機會, 但「段」也害我們: 誰還沒誤找過錯段又因此多走了幾公里?
"Sec.": It seems to me that one of the reasons for Taiwan's roads being divided into numbered sections is to make up for the increasing lack of coordination between the house numbers on right and left sides of the road as one walks along. When we reach a new section, the numbers are reborn and given a new chance at staying somewhat coordinated.
However, these sections can also trick us. Who has not at least once searched for an address with the wrong section number and thus been mislead several kilometers?
平行的路,門牌號碼應該同步進行。如台北市, 到了復興南路口門牌一致嗎? 連段名不一致。(現在改已太晚, 會浪費社會成本)。 我在芝加哥長大,幾號等於哪路口一致又不會錯…
Parallel numbers for parallel roads: for example examine addresses on roads as they cross Taibei / Taipei's Fuxing Rd. Not only are the numbers not coordinated, the section numbers aren't either. (Too late to straighten things out now though.)
高雄市某甲路幾段稱某甲幾路, 可惜異名同病, 平行截某甲三路對應某乙二路對應某丙四路。 Kaohsiung City calls XX Rd. Sec. Y "XXY Rd.", however it has the same problem nonetheless. XX3 Rd. is parallel to YY2 Rd. is parallel to ZZ4 Rd.
又段增加的方向竟然也是門牌減少的方向。 不知哪裡想的。 至少不怕後代無限延長該段。 And house numbers increase as section numbers decrease as we go down (up?) a road! Where did they come up with that? At least that seals the fate (length) of a section from its day 1.
Edmonton, Canada 的街道,橫的、直的都用號碼命名, streets and avenues all use numbers, 核心為 centered at 101st St. 及 and 101st Ave. 是我的話, I'd use 我會選 250th St. 及 750th Ave. for the center. Bayfield Co. WI USA rural addressing uses non-overlapping addresses, 1000 per mile. 好處為 Advantages:
Very far until hit negative numbers. 不用加東西南北字
Street numbers still fit into three digits, house numbers into five. 街道最多僅需三碼, 門牌五碼。 (北美式中, 某街經過 147th 路, 其門牌由 14700 號起。 再重複於下:)
例如美國與加拿大許多地址系統採用數字編碼的設計, 透過與某道路相交之其他道路編碼即可判定該道路內之門牌號碼範圍, 例如某段道路為 96th Av., 坐落於其與 157th St. 與 158th St. 相交路口之間的所有地址均為 15700 至 15800 之間
No worry about confusion between St. and Ave. until very far. But why not a system that can be extended forever...?
What if they used even vs. odd for north-south vs. east-west?
我不是到處要改變人家現有的門牌,我只是說未來的社區可以做得更好。 不曉得為什麼門牌號碼規劃從來不列入都市計畫課程。
我們常聽已經有各種地理資訊系統, 但是它們都是被動記載現有的門牌, 沒人主動規劃未來的門牌。
好的門牌至少美、加做得到(其東岸老城市除外)。 台灣的幾巷、 幾弄用號碼命名也不錯, 比美加郊外社區用人名更系統化, 但也許不動產推銷員會覺得不夠美學。 The many individually named twisty North American suburban streets would be better served by a Taiwan numbered lane and alley system, however real estate agents might think trading fairyland names in for systematic numbers would hurt sales, even if it would speed deliveries and maybe even save a life one day.
台灣的英文住址 Taiwan English postal addresses. 其實, 台灣的傳統「某路幾巷幾弄幾號」系統在不規則街道區如山區, 常超越北美方格式系統的功能。 Actually, Taiwan's "XX Road # Lane # Alley #" system, in irregular street patterns, like the mountains, often surpasses the usefulness of North American style grid based systems.
門有對聯, 門牌也要對聯。 亦即與馬路對面的號碼不能差太遠。 對不起來就對不起社會。
用號碼命名路也可以避免紀念可能有爭議的人物。 但台北市主要幹道加註序號沒多大用。 其主要是為了彌補一時混亂拼音, 而當副系統, 因與本國人無關, 無法做溝通橋樑, 僅增障礙, 無人理睬。
Taipei street nicknumbering is/was an unnecessary project to supposedly ease foreigners confusion due to the pinyin conflict. They give each big street an additional number aside from its name. Locals don't use the numbers, so don't expect it to be any bridge of communication -- it just adds one more obstacle. Numbering streets is good, but if you do it, do it for everybody.
山區門牌號碼規劃 (Mountain area address planning)
同一條崇德路一、二、三段在台中北屯, 四、五段於潭子。 讚! The same Chongde Rd., in Taichung (Taizhong) Beitun District is Sec. 1, 2, and 3. In Tanzi is Sec, 4, 5. Good! (連 2010 年縣市合併前 Even before the 2010 city/county unification). 敝東勢區東關路提案。
2018 年: 門牌應載區名 Address plates need district names.
2018 年: 門牌屬左棟?右棟? Address refers to house on left or right?
「門牌號碼、 身分證逢四不編訂、 不配賦」 我猜這是政府高層賣台陰謀, 預留身份證與門牌給他們的火星人同胞, 可見未來火星人部隊腦波監波崗哨每十棟房子設一哨,那麼密! 「死、四音近」不過是藉口。
In Taiwan, new ID cards and house numbers are not to end with the number 4. Otherwise they will rhyme with "death" in Chinese, is the excuse given. I bet however this is a plot by the nation's former leaders to reserve room for their Martian buddies. One Martian Army brain wave monitoring station planned for every 10 houses!
還好, 我們做門牌號碼規劃留有彈性, 能吸收。 最壞打算是在奇數側任意丟掉號碼, 免得其長得比對面快!
Fortunately our address planning has enough flexibility to absorb this. In the worst case we can randomly throw away numbers on the odd side of the street lest it grow faster than the even!
2018 更新 update: 未料更嚴重。 Alas the problem is more serious. 參見 See 門牌忌四之配套, 以維持左右協調 Methods to balance house numbers opposite skipped 4.
趁新市鎮規劃期 Much easier to do in the planning stage before houses are built!
2005.10.25, 交通部高速鐵路工程局 Taiwan High Speed Rail Bureau acknowledged my suggestions for communities planned around stations.
有關台端陳情高鐵各車站特定區門牌號碼規劃乙案, 台端寶貴意見本局將納入高鐵五站特定區都市規劃分析及檢討研究, 並提供都市計畫權責機關單位參考。
2006.4.28, 營建署市鄉規劃局 Taiwan Ministry of Interior Urban and Rural Planning Bureau acknowledged my suggestions.
台端以電子信箱建議於市鄉規劃時, 納入門牌號碼規劃事宜乙案, 台端寶貴意見本局將納入辦理都市規劃作業參考, 並將轉供戶政、建築管理、地政等相關單位參考。
有一天應該想室號規劃, 為了各類建物。 One day we should think about room number planning, for various buildings.
中國部份地區也用類似巷弄號制。 不知世界他處是否用。
Parts of China use similar numbered lanes etc. See Chinese version. Not sure where else in the world it is used.
[link gone] 2005-11 让“米号制”走向世界
現有奇例 Current extreme examples
高雄市前鎮區的加工出口區, 街街均西七接東八。 是否某名不滿公務員的報復? In Kaohsiung City Qianzhen District's Export Processing Zone all the streets are on the motif West 7th becomes East 8th. Is this the revenge of a disgruntled city employee?
或許整個國家為了國防什麼的故意把門牌弄亂? Perhaps the whole country's addressing is purposely disorganized, for National Defense purposes?
如 1-, 2-, 3- … 號之附號區段很長。 A very long stretch of 1-, 2-, 3-, etc. house numbers.
要救很難: 最簡單是整個五權路整編成一、二段。 惟五權路北區那段門牌原尚堪用, 無需整編。 至於五權路西(、南)區段, 幾乎都需修但如五權南路若要搞個二段吞五權路西區段, (如公益路,一段只叫「公益路」) 那麼按照門牌循序, 該五權南路二段應位於五權南路南端, 亦即非我們所需要的北端。 又五權西路名字已用完, 又無許闢其「零(〇)段」之類。 真的如英文 "painted oneself into a corner," 作繭自縛。
除非五權路西區段改為「六權路」(如「六金行」, 加值!)等之類新名, 才能免動到五權路北區段門牌! 那麼此六權路門牌可由台灣大道編起, 亦即與五權南、西路同方向增加。 而被覆蓋的原五權路西區段號碼, 可如台北市和平東路, 被大安森林公園覆蓋之號碼, 免重立他處。
因此得知「整理客戶名單地址時, 村里不能一律輕易丟掉」。 (我沒有說「一律不能」, 只有說「不能一律」。)
When compiling your customer list, indeed there are sometimes that you can't just toss the village, as then you will create ambiguous addresses.
那麼改天大家可幫忙挖挖看, 用 SQL 看到底有無僅差鄰別者。
One day someone should check if the same phenomenon exists with neighborhood numbers...
Taiwan yellow pages telephone books have a certain way of abbreviating addresses.
每中華電信工商消費電話簿 「電話簿發行說明」 頁寫
地址之市、 鄉、 鎮、 [區、] 街、 樓皆省略, 段、 巷、 弄則刊出。 … 例如 〝東山安平20巷50-6二〞 表示
好, 來, 我們也試試看。 假如同時存在著:
Let's give it a try. Given the existence of both:
臺中市新社區中興里8鄰中興嶺街一段999號 臺中市新社區中興里4鄰中興嶺 999號
於「大台中(北)版」, 將得:
新社中興嶺一999 新社中興嶺 999
這次被「段」救, 仍維持差異。 但咱仍擔心不知道他們此簡略法會不會有一天觸礁… 或者可以說「屆時不會有紙本電話簿, 故免用地址省略法。」
This time barely saved by the "Section", and still able to maintain a shred of difference. But one still worries if one day their abbreviation method will run aground... Maybe "by that time there will be no more paper phone books, so no need to abbreviate."
台電無論電子或紙本帳單「用電地址」欄, 有時蘊藏數十年前老門牌號碼。 因該欄非寄帳地址, 故可能「安全渡過」了數波 「門牌整編」。 不如找找看, 說不定讀者的土地, 雖然戶政事務所翻箱倒櫃也已找不到它任何痕跡, 但也許該老號碼仍活到現在, 就在電費單上! (但也許此號碼已被「遺忘而後來重新編訂」。)
Where might old addresses be still hiding? On your electric bill's "meter location" field! As unlike the mailing address, it might have escaped many address renumbering "pogroms." (But now refer to the former location of an address that has been "forgotten and reused.")
2021 年: 戶政司您好。 有關全國門牌少量仍缺座標者, 也就是說貴 https://www.ris.gov.tw/ 所列屬現有門牌 (非歷史門牌), 卻 https://maps.nlsc.gov.tw/ 查不出位置者, 即使請所屬戶政事務所翻箱倒櫃, 也不一定有其地號、 姓名等等任何原申請資料。 此刻免灰心, 仍有尚方寶劍! 如我將某一這些 (多數飄在山區中) 之幽靈門牌, 試著幾個變化: …1之2號、 …1-2號、 …1號之2, 等等, 拿去輸入台電某 https://nds.taipower.com.tw/ndsWeb 查詢網頁, 竟然測探出來係屬現有用電地址! (否則得「輸入錯誤」。)
那麼請貴司, 走過去台電大樓坐下來合作, 透過台電內部精準座標, 把這些孤兒門牌, 盡量一一歸案。
屆時救護車不會半路才發現無法定位! 生死關鍵。
證: 兩者曾同時存在著:
村里街路門牌異動 - 查詢 (www.ris.gov.tw) :
行政區域名稱: 臺中市東勢區,編釘日期: 民國088年9月1日, 異動日期: 民國088年8月30日,編釘類別: 行政區域調整
變更前地址 變更後地址 慶福里003鄰慶福街1之2號 慶福里013鄰慶福街1之2號 慶福里003鄰慶福街1之5號 慶福里013鄰慶福街1之5號 慶福里003鄰慶福街1號之2 慶福里013鄰慶福街1號之2 慶福里003鄰慶福街1號之5 慶福里013鄰慶福街1號之5
不管它們是怎麼產生的, 我很清楚, 如 1號之5 與 1之5號, 相隔 555 公尺…
{No. {1-2}} → "No. 1-2" → "1-2"
{{No. 1}-2} → "No. 1-2" → "1-2"
2021/9/3: 台電總公司配電處您好。
對全國電桿, 遇到如:
…22, 22之1, 23…
…22, 23, 24…
惟正如門牌號碼, 動一個,後面全部要改。 若是居民, 反彈大。 雖然電桿頂多有松鼠, 沒有住戶, 又很少人於廣告詞印第幾桿右轉等等… 但光修改您們內部圖資已很煩, 不是嗎? 又不管在圖資, 或現場, 萬一 A 牌下半部印 B 牌之圖號座標… 或 A 牌畫、 掛於 B 桿… 等等冒險。 可見還是保守政策好: 盡量勿重編太頻繁。
(至於按照距離預留: 可能較適合房屋(密度一定的)門牌, 而非電桿 (密度不一定的)。)
(當然桿號不能廢除: 光喊圖資座標, 災害現場難唸, 無線電難叫。)
多門同牌: 在台中大坑某派出所與隔壁房屋都掛相同之門牌。
多牌同門: 在台中東勢東坑路某門掛所有鄰居(?)的門牌。
北美也專門開門牌年會 In North America, URISA even has "Street Smart and Address Savvy" conferences. (惟讀其文獻必先付費!) (However the papers require payment to read!) There are standards accessible though.
Rural Australia and New Zealand use 100 numbers per kilometer, counted from beginning of the road.
Clallam Co. Washington USA addressing uses 1000 numbers per mile, with the last digit indicating distance from road.
More state and province wide systems.
怎能有個T字路口, 三條路都同名? 那麼, 可能就是個P字路口, 繞回接其中間。 也許也有4字路口等等… How could there be a "T junction" with all three roads having the same name? Well, it might actually be a "P junction", where a road meets itself back at the middle... Maybe there are even letter "4" shaped junctions...
台中市東勢區「中 46」市道即 P 型…
2020: 台灣門牌號碼 Taiwan house numbering Facebook 團。
150 Years Ago Brooklyn Renumbered All Its Streets. It Was a Disaster
Decimal point house number: In 2022 I saw the folks at 48 1/2 W. St. Paul St., St. Catherines, ON Canada put "48.5" on their house!
1234 S JAMES CT N LAKE FOREST IL 60045: What do you mean by "South James Court North"? Certainly some mistake! Nope: it all makes perfect sense when you look at a map: it is an north-south street in that city's SW addressing quadrant. The nearby W James Ct S, is an E-W street, also in that city's SW quadrant... Good thing there are only two of them there.
Some state-wide rural house numbering examples.
Last modified: 2024-11-25 04:29:28 UTC