
Twisted single axis address planning

積丹尼(Dan JACOBSON)1


以展現門牌號碼規劃之創意與多元化可能性, 本文擬作小社區整體門牌號碼規劃, 以單軸座標, 配合社區街道整體曲線, 產生類似熟悉等高線圖之「等門牌線」圖, 供承辦單位。

小彎路端則一腳栽於「等門牌面」, 獨立發展。


  1. 平行的路,門牌同步
  2. 門牌值座標適應於街道結構


關鍵辭: 門牌號碼規劃


As an example of creative house address planning possibilities, we plan the address grid of an small community using a coordinate system with only one axis. We curve our "grid" following the general trend of the streets. The result looks like a familiar contour map, but is an "address contour" map.

Small bent final parts of streets have one end rooted in our "address surface", from which their numbers then proceed independently.


  1. Parallel streets: house numbers in lockstep
  2. Adapt address value grid to street pattern

100% Free Software is used.

Keywords: address planning

1 http://jidanni.org/

本文刊錄於2005年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集。 This paper was included in the Taiwan Geographic Information Society 2005 conference.

  1. 前言 Preface

    本文為針對一特定社區而量身訂作門牌號碼系統。 逢該社區數街第一次編門牌時, 順便做該社區整體門牌規劃。 展現合身單社區的門牌號碼規劃方式中之一種。

    This is an example of "custom made" addressing to fit a particular community. As several streets there are to be assigned first time numbers, we took the opportunity to make an integrated numbering plan for the whole community. The result is a highly specialized example of one possibility of addressing tailor made for a certain community.

  2. 等門牌線圖 Address contour map

    [Image: 上城等門牌線圖 Shangcheng address contour map]

    1. 底圖 Underlying image

      台中縣東勢鎮上城社區五千分之一像片基本圖。 本文為該社區門牌規劃之一提案。

      1:5000 orthophotomap of Shangcheng Community, Dongshi Township, Taizhong County, Taiwan. This paper describes a proposal for that community's addressing.

    2. 線條及值 Lines and values

      圖中「等門牌線」, 類似熟悉之等高線。 承辦員憑所在位置於線間門牌值, 再以面向路終(本案則均面向南(下)), 左單右雙, 決定門牌號碼。

      Pictured are "address contours", similar to familiar elevation contours. Getting an approximate value from his position amongst the contours on the map, a worker then looks along the road in the direction of increasing values (always south (down) here), then assigns numbers, odd on the left side of the road, even on the right.

      本案僅定縱軸, 不定橫軸。 橫軸此社區幾乎用不到。

      We only specify the Y axis. The X axis will be little used for this community.

      1. 彎端 Bent ends


        On the map we see smaller numbered pairs,

        1. 38-110, 407-437
        2. 51-112, 421-492
        3. 163-186, 361-384

        其則例外, 其為某路某端急彎處。 總共有三條街, 各具頭、尾兩彎端。 例如第一條街, 110至407號沒問題, 都符合等門牌線系統, 惟彎端兩處怎辦? 於110號處, 我們就開始獨立預留門牌, 預留至38號止。 110仍屬整體系統, 109至38則僅憑其沿路距離, 不考慮整體。 407至437同。

        They are exceptions for bent ends of streets. Here we have three streets each with two bent ends. For example, on the first street, numbers 110 to 407 will fit nicely into our contour system. But what about the bent ends? At house number 110 we begin independently numbering until 38. That is, 110 is still part of our overall system, but from 109 to 38 the system is ignored and we create house numbers based solely on distance along the street. Same from 407 to 437.

        這樣銜接, 能對路人顯得較無縫合線的。

        With these splices in place, we can appear more seamless to the man in the street.

  3. 目標 Goals

    1. 平行的路,門牌同步
    2. 門牌值座標適應於街道結構
    1. Parallel streets: house numbers in lockstep
    2. Adapt address value grid to street pattern


    Of course in the end our system must be easy for the man in the street to use for it to be meaningful.

    如同北美洲的作法, 我們建立編定門牌號碼之方格網。 惟因本社區之道路幾乎均南北向, 故我們就不做東西向之方格。 此半方格網可看作一幅門牌等高線圖, 故稱等門牌線圖。 本社區的街道整體略彎, 我們的等門牌線也跟著彎。

    We establish a grid to assign values with, as is done in North America, but as the major roads are all north-south, we don't even bother making an east-west component of the grid. Our half grid is in fact a "house number contour map". We also twist the contours to better match the street pattern.

    東西向巷子可以作南北向的路的號碼巷, 接著如下以沿巷距離決定門牌值。

    We expect any east-west lanes to use the usual Taiwan style lane number subordinate to their "parent" north-south road. The house number is then computed by distance along the lane, as below.

    當一條南北向的路開始急彎, 欲與其平行的路結合成一那時, 彎的那段就不按照等門牌線, 而只依距離延續編門牌, 採我們其他文章 〔〕 常用的每公里四百個號碼制 (走一公里, 右房為400號,左401)。 主系統主軸亦依每公里四百個號碼。 整體而言, 我們達到「平行的路,門牌同步」。

    For final segments of north-south roads that bend to meet other north-south roads, we "cheat" and just extend the numbers starting at where the curve begins, ending where we hit the other road. For that part we use our often used [J] 400 numbers per kilometer standard. (Upon travelling one kilometer, the house on the right is numbered 400, and the house on the left is 401.) We also use 400 numbers per km. along our main system axis. In the big picture, we achieve our goal of lockstep numbering of parallel roads.

    [2010年註 note: 今推動嚴格 nowadays we are pushing strict 400 per km. 逐條 on every road, street, or alley, 無論粗細 no matter how small.]

    鄰區接軌 Continuity with neighboring communities

    讀者也許想問本社區與南北兩邊鄰社區門牌怎接軌? 其實本案主軸馬路擬作東關路二段, 北邊一段、 南邊三段, 號碼獨立, 不受影響。 因分段而不需進一步協調與鄰區號碼之延續。 長路分段為現代台灣「門牌語言」主流, 本案故不例外。


    The reader might wonder how we achieve numbering continuity with the communities to the north and south. Well, in fact our axis road is actually to be called Dongguan Rd. Section 2. Numbered independently, as is Taiwan custom, vs. Section 1 to the north, and Section 3 to the south. In the sectionalized system, one needs not delve deeper into continuity with other sections. Sectioning of long roads is contemporary Taiwan "house numbering language", hence we also follow this practice.

    The non-sectionized roads of our study area are to be numbered in lockstep with Dongguan Rd. Section 2.

  4. 突破 Breaks from the past

    在台灣過去連「同一條路,左右同步」維持不遠, 等到下一段給那些號碼們「重新作人的機會」, 又維持不遠。 三段如此, 四段如此。 本案不但同一條路左右同步, 亦平行的路, 門牌同步。

    In Taiwan up till now even hoping the numbers on the left and right sides of a single road could stay coordinated for very far was dreaming. One hopes upon reaching the next Section the numbers would do better, but no, before long they start slipping again. Section 3 same story. Section 4 same story. In this paper, we not only require the left and right sides of the same road to be lockstep, parallel roads are all to be lockstep.

    在台灣過去「日自東出,門牌由一數」, 今擺脫之, 才能夠做很多事。 一個整體規劃中恐怕不一定能保證每一條路都會有一個1號門牌存在。 一號愛好者恐必至門牌博物館。

    In Taiwan up till now, "just as the sun rises in the east, house numbers start at 1." We throw this in the dumpster, if we are to accomplish anything. In a total community plan, not every road will have a number 1. You might have to look for it in the museum.

  5. 方法 Methods

    本案採自由軟體 We use Free Software: GRASS GIS[G]. 程式碼 Program code: http://jidanni.org/geo/house_numbering/programs/twist/makefile.txt . 重點 Highlights:

    1. 點入等門牌輔助曲線 digitize contour trend guide curves
    2. 點入主軸曲線及原點 digitize axis curve and origin point

      到此步, 已手工繪入 At this point we have already drawn by hand:

      [Image: 肋骨架 rib cage]

      橫輔助曲線是我們任意畫在空照圖上, 可畫多或少。 它們代表希望將輸出的等門牌線的大趨勢。 將產生的等門牌線大致會沿著相同趨勢。

      The horizontal trend guide curves are just arbitrary curves we placed onto the orthophotomap reflecting what we feel are the trends the contours to be produced should follow. We can put as many as we like on the map. The final contours produced will generally be shaped similar to these trend curves.

      縱主軸曲線我們則畫沿著我們選的當主軸的一條路。 沿著它, 預留門牌就每公里四百枚, 確切的。 另亦擇原點。

      We draw our vertical axis curve following the street we chose as the axis. There numbering will indeed be 400 addresses per kilometer, exactly. We also chose an origin point.

      在這兒結束憑肉眼與感覺輸入的部份。 接著較機械化。

      That ends the choices we make by eye. The rest is more mechanical.

    3. 點入彎端 digitize bent ends
    4. 產生等門牌面 create equal address surface
    5. 產生等門牌線 create equal address contours
    6. 彎端連接於面 attach bent ends to surface
  6. 結論 Conclusion

    針對一特定社區, 門牌號碼規劃中可發揮創意機會無窮。

    There are unlimited opportunities for unique creative solutions in address planning applied to a single community.

  7. 參考文獻 References

    [G] GRASS GIS: http://grass.osgeo.org/

    [J] 積丹尼 Jacobson, D. 台灣門牌號碼規劃 Taiwan address planning: http://jidanni.org/geo/house_numbering/

本文寫作日期:2005年夏季。 This article was written Summer, 2005.

2016年東關路分段, 本人也未提本案。 僅留為學術參考。 In 2016 Dongguan Rd. was sectionalized. I didn't offer this plan, but instead just leave it for scholarly reference.

版權 Copyright: GNU 自由文件許可 Free Documentation License

Last modified: 2024-10-24 05:35:38 UTC