島嶼比較 Island comparisons

世界島嶼人口密度 World island population density

Population density of the most populous islands I made from the above and World Island Info.

台灣面積比較 Size of Taiwan comparisons

比湖 vs. lakes

Taiwan is twice the size of Lake Ontario.

比島 vs. islands

Taiwan is a sixth the size of Great Britain etc.: 6.54 Honshu; 6.07 Great Britain; 4.02 Java; 3.07 Cuba; 2.37 Ireland; 1.96 Sri Lanka; 1.88 Tasmania; 1.08 Kyushu; 1.00 Taiwan; 0.92 Vancouver; 0.32 Jamaica; 0.26 Puerto Rico. (From web search of islands by land area.)

比區 vs. territories

台灣面積與人口近印度喀拉拉邦 Taiwan is about the same size and population of the Indian state of Kerala, about the size of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia; and 夏威夷州面積之兩倍 twice the size of the state of Hawaii.

至長之泅 The longest swim

掉落船必游泳最長, 即離陸地最遠的點, 位於東南太平洋, 亦即地球儀往往貼標籤那兒。 Where's the worst place to fall off a boat, in terms of needing to swim the farthest, i.e., the point in the oceans farthest from land? It is in the southeast Pacific Ocean, where all the globe makers place their label. See also Wikipedia Pole of inaccessibility.

釣魚台列嶼 Diaoyutai Islands

Photo of islands claimed by Taiwan, Japan, and China.

程式 Programs

makefile I used.

其他 Etc.

中興湖/台灣池比例問題 Zhongxing Lake / Taiwan Pond Scale Problem

到台灣東部, 該北上, 還是南下? To get to eastern Taiwan, should one go north or south?

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2023-01-18 00:38:09 UTC