台灣的高速公路 Taiwan's expressways

高速公路收費站出現男性收費員 Male toll attendants appear

出現於 2001 年的男性收費員也是我搞的。 因看到性別岐視所以我陳情。 In 2001 you started seeing male toll attendants. This was due to my letter to the authorities on the unfairness of sex restrictions.

小數點里程牌加整數 Fractional km markers

高速公路將 Several years ago the expressways changed ... 0.8, 0.9, 55, 0.1, 0.2, ... 里程牌換成 fractional km markers to ... 54.8, 54.9, 55, 55.1, 55.2 ... 也是我建議的, in accordance to my suggestion. The same with Provincial Highway's 省道 ...54, 1/2, 55, 1/2, 56... now 換成 ...54, 54.5, 55, 55.5, 56...亦然。

看的是3, 說的是2 The sign says 3, the voice says 2

正名為國道3號, 請勿一直叫 「北、中、南二高」。 Due to poor promotional planning, expressway 3 is still often called "the north/central/south second expressway", at least in Chinese.

國道1號小塊新竹市不立牌 Expy. 1: fragment of Xinzhu City not marked

大概大家未注意, 國道1號南下107.4公里處有「苗栗縣」牌, 北上105.9處有「新竹縣」牌, 中間那小塊屬新竹市則未標示, 應該是怕與北邊十公里處新竹市主要路段混淆。


I bet nobody noticed. Southbound on Expy. 1 at 107.9 km there is a marker (in Chinese) "Miaoli County". Northbound at 105.9 km there is a marker "Xinzhu County". In between, that small piece of Xinzhu City is not marked. Probably not to confuse drivers as the main piece of Xinzhu City is 10 km to the north.

I now hear: originally there were signs, but they were yanked to quell fusses.

禿地 Bald spot

Subject: 水保形象
Date: 15 Nov 2007

建議 [圖] 國道1北上 128.0 Km 旁嵌高速公路局徽之水泥山應造林, 為國家水保形象。

>查反映地點邊坡噴凝土表面自高速公路通車以來僅曾因局部坍滑進行整修外, 大部分皆維持現有穩定狀態, 因該處邊坡噴凝土面積龐大, 若冒然改為造林除所耗不貲外, 另須處理龐鉅之廢棄土方量, 且該邊坡土層構造為順向坡, 遇雨容易造成坍滑, 影響高速公路行車安全, 故本處目前並無相關造林計畫。



積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2015-09-14 15:39:04 +0800