積丹尼相片 Dan Jacobson photos

嚴肅照 Serious photos

At Wikimania 2007

滑稽照 Funny photos

遭財團法人台灣解放軍俘虜 Photo of Dork In Distress, captured by the Republic Of Taiwan Front for Liberation (ROTFL). (其實僅 Actually just a 漆珠隊 paintball team.)

與愛之鏡及柑 With the love glasses and tangerines

青年照 Youth photos

約十歲 Age ~ 10, Lake Co. Illinois

With Free School of Evanston people.

於浴室鏡子 In bathroom mirror, 1977 with mom, dad and brother, Evanston, Illinois. I'm the one with the long golden hair. 1977年與父弟, 金長髮的是我。 (My dad got Alzheimer's disease at age 55 and died in 1990 at age 60, 父親55歲得老人痴呆症,1990年60歲過世。 父墓 Father's grave.) Photos of my parents 父母相片: Flickr, Google.

~1981 Univ. of Saskatchewan; 1980s at one of the Great Lakes; ~1989 AT&T Bell Labs.

拿影片捲軸 With movie reel.

在機關 In government offices

2000.10.13 於立委洪秀柱的拼音公聽會 at Representative Hong Xiuzhu's Pinyin hearing.

2009年, 於 at the 中央災害應變中心 Central Emergency Operation Center: 壁 wall, 室 room.

電力座標Taipower grid photos

另照 Other photos

無線電相片 Radio photos

我攝的1989年 Hong Kong slum 可怕香港九龍城寨相 photo I took.

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2023-06-30 12:27:30 UTC