鳥觀察 Bird observations

莫斯電碼方便形容鳥叫聲 Morse code handy for describing bird calls

好像許多鳥叫聲可以用莫斯電碼字及字團來形容。 搜尋「電報鳥」也有些。

It seems many bird calls can be described to an extent using Morse code characters and combinations.

名單 My list

我 My 鳥 Birds YouTube 播放清單 playlist.

其他 Etc.

鳥叫酷似電話鈴聲 Bird call overly resembles telephone bell. (Morse code: "5" ("....."))

廳察 台灣竹雞 2020 年 3 月 8 日舉例, 05:44 輪叫至 05:53, 又 06:06, 再交五色鳥叫(「我爸爸爸爸… 爸 爸 爸 爸」 像摩洗衣板來回一次, "Wobabababa… ba ba ba ba", like rubbing a washboard back and then forth once ), 而民用曙光 Civil Twilight was 05:50 - 06:13.

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2025-01-23 01:52:51 UTC