好像許多鳥叫聲可以用莫斯電碼字及字團來形容。 搜尋「電報鳥」也有些。
It seems many bird calls can be described to an extent using Morse code characters and combinations.
台中市東勢區山上的大自然觀察 My nature observations in the hills of Dongshi, Taichung, Taiwan. 海拔 777 公尺。 elevation 777 meters:
黑冠麻鷺 叫聲 Call of Malayan night heron Gorsachius melanolophus
近距離其叫似 At close range one hears
(Hanyu pinyin) wu4 deng3 yu2 wu4 deng3 yu2 wu4 deng3 yu2 wu4…
ㄨˋㄉㄥˇ ㄩˊㄨˋㄉㄥˇ ㄩˊㄨˋㄉㄥˇ ㄩˊㄨˋ…
遠則只聽 at a distance however all one hears is
誤… 誤… 誤…
wu4… wu4… wu4…
Morse code: "T T T" (- - -)…
另發現, 飛行時, 其翅膀全無聲。 正如這裡之其他超大鳥類: 鴞、 大冠鷲、 等等。
One also notes its wings during flight are totally silent! Just like other extra large birds here! Owls, 大冠鷲, etc.
布穀鳥(北方中杜鵑) Oriental cuckoo Cuculus optatus 叫 call.
$ /usr/games/morse -s IIIIII | sed \$d | xargs .. .. .. .. .. ..
開始 Began: 2020/3/30, 2021/5/6 (dry year)
黃嘴角鴞 Mountain scops owl Otus spilocephalus (hambroecki) started calling in April (2020) at night, Morse: T T T T T T...
$ perl -we 'for ( 0 .. 11 ) { print $_% 2 ? "- - " : " ";}' - - - - - - - - - - - -
台灣小鶯 Horornis fortipes robustipes 叫如 sounds like 「你……回去」 (ni3……hui2 qu4).
金背鳩 Oriental turtle dove, Streptopelia orientalis. "Dotudodado Dotudodado…"
One of the sounds of 大彎嘴 black-necklaced scimitar babbler Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis 之一叫 聽起來 sounds like 像 「吹口哨」 chui1 kou3 shao4, or 或 「衛福部」 wei4 fu2 bu4.
斑鳩 Spotted dove, Spilopelia chinensis, 之一叫 one type of call: first bird: Morse code "U" (..-,國語「不 知 道」 (bu4 zhi1 dao4), second bird 答之 responding: Morse code "W" (.--) , over and over.
綠鳩, White-bellied green pigeon, Treron sieboldii. 聲似 Sounds like 「五一 一五 五一五」 (wu3yi1 yi1wu3 wu3yi1wu3.)
臺灣畫眉, Taiwan hwamei, Garrulax taewanus.
台中市北屯區市區, 海拔 143 公尺。 In the Taichung Beitun District city area, at elevation 143 meters:
夜鷹 Caprimulgus affinis sounds like rooftop intermittent water pumps.
One of the calls of the 白頭鵯 / 白頭翁 / light-vented bulbul / Chinese bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 之一叫聲像 sounds like 國語 Mandarin: 「(非常)非常不利」(fei1 chang2) fei1 chang2 bu2 li4.
我 My 鳥 Birds YouTube 播放清單 playlist.
鳥叫酷似電話鈴聲 Bird call overly resembles telephone bell. (Morse code: "5" ("....."))
廳察 台灣竹雞 2020 年 3 月 8 日舉例, 05:44 輪叫至 05:53, 又 06:06, 再交五色鳥叫(「我爸爸爸爸… 爸 爸 爸 爸」 像摩洗衣板來回一次, "Wobabababa… ba ba ba ba", like rubbing a washboard back and then forth once ), 而民用曙光 Civil Twilight was 05:50 - 06:13.
Last modified: 2025-01-23 01:52:51 UTC