台中市東勢區慶福街部份早期一之幾號門牌原位置一直是個迷。 The location of some of the early Qingfu St. 1-X Dongshi District Taichung Taiwan houses has been a mystery.
(先聲明 ,「X 之 Y 號」 與 「X 號之 Y」, 於戶系統, 能同時存在, 且互不隸屬。
下邊仍以「X-Y」歸類兩者。 (又可能也是兩者同時之英譯… ))
1-2 G8253EB89 軟埤枝83分2 https://maps.nlsc.gov.tw/go/120.871137/24.193726
1-3 G8253EB65 no number
2021/02/21 陳先生給我看電費單, 該用電地址就在他那裡。
初編: …
初編: …
是否因怕四, 而從未編… (但是該恐懼應該是後期。 譬如慶福街 4 號一直存在。) But...
Perhaps never created, due to "fear of four"… (But wasn't that fear a more later phenomena? E.g., there has always been a 4 Qingfu St.)
初編: …
1996 年我申請門牌。 戶政事務所給我 1 之 5 號。 我說 「1 之 5 號?! 上禮拜我拜江先生, 他房子已貼 1 之 5 號。」 戶政人員說「哇」, 而換發 1-6 給我。
那麼或許可見, 應該沒有人希望同時存在 「X 之 Y 號」 與 「X 號之 Y」。 翻譯時怎麼區別?
In 1996 I applied for an address. The Household bureau initially gave me "1-5". I said "1-5?! Just last week I visited Mr. Jiang, and his house had 1-5 already glued to it." They said "Oops," and gave me 1-6.
So perhaps we have an insight on how 「X 之 Y 號」 and 「X 號之 Y」 can both exist at the same time... (And how to differentiate when translating? I mean who in their right mind would create such a pair? I.e., lax checks on what numbers have already been created.
2021/02/21 魏先生跟我說, 他電費單有寫該用電地址, 也就在他那裡。
1之3號 | 1995/2/23 | 大茅埔段3250地t號慶福街1-3號東方10M https://maps.nlsc.gov.tw/go/120.86516/24.18165 ) |
慶福街2號 慶福街5號 慶福街6號
門牌日期可參考 www.ris.gov.tw。
積丹尼 Dan JacobsonLast modified: 2022-06-23 17:35:56 +0800