
Address planning - presentation

積丹尼 Dan JACOBSON https://www.jidanni.org/; Last modified: 2021-09-17 03:00:21 +0800 更新。

  1. 前言 Preface




    1. 錦新街90巷內之弄, 不編弄, 而僅讓門牌繞進 (多次繞進, 而沒有從對面繞回)。

    2. 而一中街(圖中央最寬南北街)之巷不編巷, 卻拉轉角之門牌成一串「之幾」, 又這些之幾全單號或全雙號。

    3. 一中街左右側已不協調百餘號。

    這些門牌算較新(初編:_____), 而展現很有創意的編法。 只是不知道是否比大家熟悉之幾巷幾弄系統好?


    該巷無正式名字,而是裡頭都是37-1號、37-2號… 門牌。

    若是我整編, 再也不允許「之」了, 號碼也不准「繞」進去, 而需要建立正常的 XX 巷。 (只是整編擾民, 故先針對新編區域…)

    相信都聽過《中和永和鬼打牆》。 門牌同樣嚴重。

  2. 依社區擇系統 Choose system appropriate for that community

    1. 平地以座標方格 Coordinate grids for flat areas with parallel roads

      [Image: Grid] (S. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)

      • 平行的路,門牌同步 Parallel roads: numbers in lockstep

      • 連小孩能指路 Even little kids can tell you how to get there

      • 座標原點應設於網外 Should put X,Y origin outside the system

    2. 不規則路及坡地以樹狀 Tree systems for irregular roads and hilly areas

      山區門牌號碼規劃Mountain area address planning

      [Image: Tree]

      樹狀細部 Tree details:

      [Image: Tree details]

    3. 混合系統 Hybrid systems

      曲折單軸 Twisted single axis:

      [Image: Hybrid]台灣東勢上城案

  3. 全面預留 Complete reservation

    1. 早期戶所輕易發牌 Legacy "point and shoot" numbering, so easy for household bureau workers:

          1                 3   5
      ========<-路 road->=========
      2         4 6 8
    2. 蓋滿後果 but later fills in to become a mess:

      1-1 1 1-2 1-3 3-1 3-2 3   5
      ========<-路 road->=========
      2 4-1 4-2 4 6 8 8-1 8-2 8-3

      失敗之跡:幾之幾(之幾)(巷!) (似漢字六書「會意」), 廣告附圖 Marks of failure: 12-2(-2)(Lane), little maps attached to ads

    3. 應先預留 Instead, reserve numbers from the start of the project:

          5                21  25
      ========<-路 road->=========
      2         12 14 16
  4. 好處 Advantages

  5. 實行 Implementation

  6. 勿輸於圖 Don't lose on the map

    昆明街 Kunming St.

    台北市昆明街未分段, 但此圖巧合產生「昆明街 二 段 昆明街 二 …」假象。 故不但路牌路名要做好, 希望人家做地圖也要做好。 Taipei's (Taibei's) Kunming St. is not divided into sections, but this map accidentally makes it look that way. Therefore one hopes map makers will make good maps to compliment our efforts on the ground. (圖:臺北大眾捷運系統捷運站轉乘公車資訊手冊 5/2005 63頁)

  7. 根本沒掛 Forgot the signs

    發現有的鄉鎮市,路名是有的,但很少掛,房子門牌亦然。 那麼大的建設但最後薄薄標示牌都不重視…

    There are some towns, the streets have names and the houses numbers, but there are hardly any signs. They've built the infrastructure, but don't seem to think the final thin little signs as important...

  8. 愛國路名 Patriotic road names

    可料,各地都會想要自己的台灣大道, 惟如當時的中正、山、華路, 最後又中和永和鬼打牆

  9. 亦能系統化 We can also make systematic:

  10. 總結 Summary

  11. 附錄:救災 Appendix: Emergency preparedness

    門牌號碼永遠重要 Addresses will always be important

    報案不是都自動用手機定位嗎? 還要門牌號碼幹麼? For reporting incidents aren't your cellphone's coordinates automatically sent? So why still bother with addresses?

    是的, 但萬一火場太熱, 或快爆炸, 或附近有歹徒, 故我們已遠離。 那麼我們仍需要能夠形容另一個我們現在不在之地點。 Sure, but what if the fire was too hot and about to explode, or had bad guys lurking about? So we had to get far away. Hence we still need a way to refer to other places where we are not currently at.

    上次朋友氣喘。 幸好門牌已在市府系統, 座標又正確, 救護車才不偏不倚抵達現場。 (谷歌地圖則不見得可靠。) A friend had an asthma attack. Good thing my address was in the city government's database (with correct coordinates too.) The ambulance was thus able to arrive without getting lost. (And no, Google Maps cannot always be trusted.)

    電桿定位 Electric pole coordinates

    除了掌握所有門牌號碼位置之外, 連基層派出所必須能夠依報案中任何地號、 電桿牌號、等迅速找到位置, 而非待所屬單位上班查詢,或只不停電時才能查詢。 Besides having complete knowledge of the location of every address, even the most basic police station must be able to quickly locate any land parcel number, utility pole number, etc. they have been given, without needing to wait until the working hours of the bureau it belongs to, or for power to be restored.

    2009年起,消防單位已開始利用電桿上的座標做鄉下報案輔助… From 2009, the Fire Department has been incorporating using the coordinates on Taipower poles to assist in reporting rural incident locations.

    除雙胞胎門牌 No duplicate addresses


    我自己的經驗 Personal story.

本文曾演講於 2007.11.23 台中市道路命名與門牌編釘業務研習會 presented at Taizhong (Taichung) City street naming and addressing training session.

以上圖案僅部份已實施 Only parts of the above images were put into practice.

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