積丹尼 Dan JACOBSON https://www.jidanni.org/; Last modified: 2021-09-17 03:00:21 +0800 更新。
錦新街90巷內之弄, 不編弄, 而僅讓門牌繞進 (多次繞進, 而沒有從對面繞回)。
而一中街(圖中央最寬南北街)之巷不編巷, 卻拉轉角之門牌成一串「之幾」, 又這些之幾全單號或全雙號。
這些門牌算較新(初編:_____), 而展現很有創意的編法。 只是不知道是否比大家熟悉之幾巷幾弄系統好?
該巷無正式名字,而是裡頭都是37-1號、37-2號… 門牌。
若是我整編, 再也不允許「之」了, 號碼也不准「繞」進去, 而需要建立正常的 XX 巷。 (只是整編擾民, 故先針對新編區域…)
相信都聽過《中和永和鬼打牆》。 門牌同樣嚴重。
主動規劃未來的門牌, 非被動的記載現有的門牌 Creating new addresses, not recording old
仍堪用就不亂「整編」 Don't "reorganize" still usable addresses
整編牽涉深遠不得輕易啟動 consequences far reaching
老少各文件必改 all household documents must be updated
郵件不達甚至失聯 might even cause broken personal contacts
比較台灣路牌拼音遊戲 compare Taiwan romanization follies. 另縣市合併之際, 不先再整合拼音太可惜。 And upon the eve of county/city merging, what a shame to not first fix the romanization.
只是希望在新編的社區,悲劇不會一再發生。 Just hope in newly numbered communities, the nightmare will not reoccur.
溪兩岸同步分段舉例 Parallel sectioning for both sides of river example
路分段為台灣「門牌語言」之一部分, 惟溪兩岸若路長短不同,怎麼分段?
某溪北路三段 | 某溪北路二段 | 某溪北路一段 =========某===================溪========== 某溪南路二段 | 某溪南路一段 |(無路)
建議方案: 允許某溪南路一段不存在以達對稱:
某溪北路三段 | 某溪北路二段 | 某溪北路一段 =========某===================溪========== 某溪南路三段 | 某溪南路二段 |(無路)
(Can we sometimes start counting from other than 1 for the sake of symmetry?)
(很不幸, 台中市政府沒聽我的建議。)
花蓮市例 Hualian example 2009.12.25
明義國小 210--------------------------------------------------168 ==========林森路=============Linsen Rd================== -----|B|321-311-301-291-281-271-261-251-241-231-221-----
自博愛街口(B)尋210號,對面(雙)看不到號碼, 只好憑單號面估計雙號。 走至終於見到168號始知全冤枉的路, 目標原來離出發點幾步而已。 我又遭台灣左右門牌失恆戲弄。(即使有載門牌號碼輔助索引之路牌, 我們切入點不見得是在一個路口。)
Starting at Boai St. (B) and looking for 210, we don't see house numbers on the other (even) side of the street, so we use the odd numbers as a guide. We end up walking all the way until we finally see 168, and realize that our goal was just a few steps away from where we started... Taiwan's independent left and right side of the street street numbering victimized me again. (Even if street name signs with those well meaning address indexes are provided, our entry point might not be at an intersection.)
新路應號碼左右對稱、 固定距離/號碼比例、 平行的路門牌同步。 New streets need right/left number symmetry, constant distance/number ratio, number coordination with parallel streets.
從以上故事讀者也無法判斷我到底繞了多遠。 台灣的門牌是那樣, 距離無把握。 From the above story the reader is also unable to estimate just how far this diversion took me. That's Taiwan's addressing -- no handle on the distances involved just from reading the numbers.
台灣有的路口設有載兩邊門牌號碼索引的路名牌, 但是無路口段也多。 At some Taiwan intersections there are street name signs bearing number indexes for both sides of the road. However stretches with no intersections are many too.
台灣郵局郵遞區號資料庫 Taiwan post code database
40642 台中市 北屯區 和順路 Heshun Rd. 單 1 至 443 號 40642 台中市 北屯區 和順路 Heshun Rd. 雙 2 至 396 號
同一路段需要登錄兩次,因為左右邊門牌不協調。 Here we see the same section of road needs to be specified twice, as the numbers on each side have grown at different paces. (今已六碼區號, 我未再查。) (Now codes are six digits long. I didn't check again.)
(396+443/10=440.3 可見此對稱是直接由於 「後面丟掉四」 惡習造成的。 四可丟,但對面也要丟一丟些號碼,否則跛腳。 Here we see the dissymmetry is a direct effect of the throwing out of numbers ending with the superstitious "unlucky 4". One can throw them out, but one needs to also throw out some numbers on the odd side of the road, else we hobble our legs.)
同區同時存在某路無段及有段的, 例如台中市北屯區崇德六路、崇德六路一段。 居民抱怨信件常送錯。 Even in the same district there exist Some Rd. Sec. 1, and Some Rd. (with no section). Residents report letters often go to the wrong address.
高雄市前鎮加工出口區, 街街均西七接東八 Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong) Export Processing Zone: W. 7th becomes E. 8th, W. 8th becomes E. 9th...
高雄市前金區文武一、二、三街為同一條街(如電器串連), 而光復一、二、三街則平行,(並連)。 (Serial vs. parallel road "wiring". Can't tell from their names.)
路中人空手無圖亦必易懂 Must make sense to "the man in the street" without even a map
以當地既有的「門牌語言」Make addresses speak the local "addressing language". 當地習慣分段就分段。 Section 1,2,3..., 23W456, no "0", etc.
最易施於新市鎮 Best in newly planned communities
門牌為何從未視為都市計劃之一環? Addressing never considered part of city planning - why?
北美也專門開門牌年會 In North America, URISA even has "Street Smart and Address Savvy" conferences, and 標準 standards, 門牌為派遣系統之關鍵 Addressing is integral part of 911 systems
(S. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)
平行的路,門牌同步 Parallel roads: numbers in lockstep
連小孩能指路 Even little kids can tell you how to get there
座標原點應設於網外 Should put X,Y origin outside the system
山區門牌號碼規劃(Mountain area address planning)
曲折單軸 Twisted single axis:
早期戶所輕易發牌 Legacy "point and shoot" numbering, so easy for household bureau workers:
1 3 5 ========<-路 road->========= 2 4 6 8
蓋滿後果 but later fills in to become a mess:
1-1 1 1-2 1-3 3-1 3-2 3 5 ========<-路 road->========= 2 4-1 4-2 4 6 8 8-1 8-2 8-3
失敗之跡:幾之幾(之幾)(巷!) (似漢字六書「會意」), 廣告附圖 Marks of failure: 12-2(-2)(Lane), little maps attached to ads
應先預留 Instead, reserve numbers from the start of the project:
5 21 25 ========<-路 road->========= 2 12 14 16
法定預留惟要百分百預留:水邊、橋、灘、崖,始達「萬年」門牌 Reserve 100%, bridges, water edge too, better than just legal minimum. Only then get addressing to last "10000 years"
留號不代表興建權 Number reservation doesn't imply building rights
不再因看不到對面之門牌而下錯了公車 No more getting off the bus at the wrong stop just because you couldn't see the house numbers on the other side of the road
颱風中救護車僅憑里程表能到達 Ambulance can find address in a storm with just an odometer
刻意盡量低科技 Deliberately low tech. 使用時不必靠電腦、 網路、GIS,故更可靠 In daily use no need for computers, networks, or GIS, so more reliable
24 Alley 66 Lane 344 Some Road is at a distance from the start of Some Road:
(344+66+24)*1000/400=1085 公尺 meters
此比典型北美郊區地址之訊息含量更多! That is more information than one can squeeze from a a typical suburban North American address!
「路巷弄號」,或及延伸, 能找到最偏僻山寮, 亦不需帶圖! With the road/lane/alley/number notation, and extensions if needed, one can find the most rural of shacks, without a map too!
可用某路211街311巷以增一層。 弄內再分怎辦? 亦有路寬╱路名規定。 Can add another layer with 311 Ln. 211 St. Some Rd. How to split finer than "alley"? Also there are some road width/name legalities.
圖論之某標籤法。 This is some labeling algorithm of graph theory.
採一公里四百個號碼 We use 400 numbers per km. 恰台灣建築法規最低寬度五公尺 just as the Taiwan minimum legal house width of 5 meters.
關鍵於我們一路維持固定號碼與距離比例, 比門牌規則之僅預留更強。 The key is we maintain a consistent number/distance ratio, beyond current Taiwan legal requirement of mere number reservation.
不管目前是工業區, 住宅區…, 全國一致。 Same no matter if it is currently industrial or residential zoning, etc.
城鄉同比例 Same ratio, urban and rural
惟 2016 年試鄉下以較寬號距標準、 二元樹的燥坑遍歷。 However in 2016 I experimented with using a wider distance in rural areas; Binary tree Zaokengian traversal.
應先取得里長等支持 Should first get support of the village chief etc.
問其他方案能容納一日蓋滿狀態? Ask if other proposals can handle an eventual 100% urbanization
採自由軟體 Used Free Software GRASS GIS
交給戶政人員之輔助圖 Guidance map given to household bureau workers:
授權做細節(含「忌四」!(幸夠彈性)) We delegate the details (including "fear of four" (which we absorb))
屋後屋「幾之幾號」以巷弄滅之 "68-1" of houses behind houses can be eliminated via lane / alley notation
另有一些建物層層如 Also there are some buildings whose floors are:
所掛 | 應作 | Observed | Should be |
99之3 | 99號4樓 | 99-3 | 4F 99 |
99之2 | 99號3樓 | 99-2 | 3F 99 |
99之1 | 99號2樓 | 99-1 | 2F 99 |
99號 | 99號1樓 | 99 | 1F 99 |
(幾次新北市經驗後, 2013 年本人守候台中龍井某 75 號樓下, 以為 75-1 應在二樓。 結果反而原來就在隔壁。 After a few New Taipei City address experiences, in 2013 I waited around the outside of a certain No. 75 in Longjing, Taichung, thinking 75-1 must be on its 2nd floor. It turns out 75-1 was next door all along.)
(2018 年: 另見 See also: 門牌屬左棟?右棟? Address refers to house on left or right?)
台北市昆明街未分段, 但此圖巧合產生「昆明街 二 段 昆明街 二 …」假象。 故不但路牌路名要做好, 希望人家做地圖也要做好。 Taipei's (Taibei's) Kunming St. is not divided into sections, but this map accidentally makes it look that way. Therefore one hopes map makers will make good maps to compliment our efforts on the ground. (圖:臺北大眾捷運系統捷運站轉乘公車資訊手冊 5/2005 63頁)
發現有的鄉鎮市,路名是有的,但很少掛,房子門牌亦然。 那麼大的建設但最後薄薄標示牌都不重視…
There are some towns, the streets have names and the houses numbers, but there are hardly any signs. They've built the infrastructure, but don't seem to think the final thin little signs as important...
路號、名, 也跨界 Street numbers / names, even across administrative boundaries
敬佩台中縣市之崇德路。 新路才好做
台北街道號碼錯 Taipei nicknumbering wrong
室號 Room numbers
路牌拼音 Romaization (所謂政治/高層問題 politicized)
人名 People names (哈哈 ha ha)
求齊。 門有對聯, 門牌也要對聯 Order please
使短短的地址傳達最大訊息量, 亦看得懂 Maximize the amount of information that familiar sensible little address can convey
預防勝於治療, 發牌用頭腦, 找牌免惱。 Using a little brains when creating addresses will save a lot of people a lot of brains when finding addresses
台灣的門牌(與馬路的對面)對不起(人民)。 (戶政)人在做,天在看,改天別人也要看(得下去!)
報案不是都自動用手機定位嗎? 還要門牌號碼幹麼? For reporting incidents aren't your cellphone's coordinates automatically sent? So why still bother with addresses?
是的, 但萬一火場太熱, 或快爆炸, 或附近有歹徒, 故我們已遠離。 那麼我們仍需要能夠形容另一個我們現在不在之地點。 Sure, but what if the fire was too hot and about to explode, or had bad guys lurking about? So we had to get far away. Hence we still need a way to refer to other places where we are not currently at.
上次朋友氣喘。 幸好門牌已在市府系統, 座標又正確, 救護車才不偏不倚抵達現場。 (谷歌地圖則不見得可靠。) A friend had an asthma attack. Good thing my address was in the city government's database (with correct coordinates too.) The ambulance was thus able to arrive without getting lost. (And no, Google Maps cannot always be trusted.)
除了掌握所有門牌號碼位置之外, 連基層派出所必須能夠依報案中任何地號、 電桿牌號、等迅速找到位置, 而非待所屬單位上班查詢,或只不停電時才能查詢。 Besides having complete knowledge of the location of every address, even the most basic police station must be able to quickly locate any land parcel number, utility pole number, etc. they have been given, without needing to wait until the working hours of the bureau it belongs to, or for power to be restored.
2009年起,消防單位已開始利用電桿上的座標做鄉下報案輔助… From 2009, the Fire Department has been incorporating using the coordinates on Taipower poles to assist in reporting rural incident locations.
雙胞胎門牌很危險。 報案光靠門牌不行。 26_28_30_30_32_34 上行救護車停左棟。 下行救護車停右棟。 地圖亦難顯示兩個。 看到請向戶政檢舉。
本文曾演講於 2007.11.23 台中市道路命名與門牌編釘業務研習會 presented at Taizhong (Taichung) City street naming and addressing training session.
以上圖案僅部份已實施 Only parts of the above images were put into practice.
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