積丹尼個人 Dan Jacobson "the person"

敝 My YouTube™ 頻道 channel
播放清單 playlists, 學英文歌詞 learn English lyrics
相片 Photos
出生 Born

1960/12/16 美國賓州費城 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

長大於 Grew up in

Evanston, Illinois, USA 芝加哥北郊

親戚 Relatives


父墓 Father's grave.

是否抽煙? 喝酒? 吸毒? 有信仰? Do you smoke? drink? do drugs? have religion?

無 No! 且為全素素食者 In fact I'm a vegan.

臀圍等 Vital dimensions

學歷 Education

1971-75 Free School of Evanston

Univ. of Saskatchewan

美國西北大學學士(地質) B.A., Northwestern Univ. (Geology).

美國西北大學碩士(電腦) M.S., Northwestern Univ. (Computer science)

聲韻學旁聽生 Sat in on historical Chinese phonology.

經歷 Experience

The formative years, 1977: Compost crew, The Farm, LRY, 1979, 1980 Rainbow Gathering (2018: Hualien, Miaoli.)

1989-92: Bell Labs, Naperville IL.

何以名「積丹尼」, Why the name "jidanni.org"?
祖先 Ancestors
鄉下不安靜 Not quiet in the country
影片點子 Ideas for movies
電腦 Computers

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2023-04-04 01:16:49 UTC